Is it a crisis for a Tamil actress to act naked …?

by time news

Chennai: Actress Andrea’s statement that she was forced to act naked in a 15-minute scene in ‘Devil 2’ has caused a stir.

A preview of Mishkin’s Devil 2 starring Andrea will be released tomorrow (Apr. 29). The fact that Andrea has acted nude in the film has increased the anticipation on the film. It has been reported that Andrea was ‘forced to act naked’ in this situation.

‘In the Devil 2 story, they said they wanted to act naked in a 15-minute scene. Thus refusing to act. When I refused, they forced me. Then I agreed to act in the scene because the story was of good quality, ‘said Andrea. Already, Andrea has starred nude in a boat shot scene in the North Indian film; Then, that scene was deleted.

This information provided by Andrea has been controversial.

Dinamalar iPaper

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