Carolin Kebekus on male-dominated music festivals | free press

by time news

Carolin Kebekus criticizes music festivals with a low proportion of women. “That’s no longer possible in 2022”. She herself is therefore organizing an all-female festival in Cologne.


Comedian Carolin Kebekus (41) criticizes the lack of female acts at major music festivals.

“I’ve been to Rock am Ring a lot and have experienced incredibly great bands. But when you see that the proportion of women on stage is approaching zero this year, that just can’t be. That’s no longer possible in 2022,” said them in the podcast “Talk mit K” of the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”.

She can no longer hear the argument that there are too few women’s bands. “They have to be encouraged, just like male musicians,” said the Cologne native.

According to her own statements, she is organizing the DCKS Festival in Cologne on June 6th, at which only female artists perform. Finding female musicians was not a problem. “We were overwhelmed with requests that all had the same tenor: please, please let us take place.” So far, Lea, the No Angels and Mine have been confirmed as music acts at the DCKS festival. In addition to the music program, there will also be a talk stage on the topics of equality and visibility.

Men are of course also invited to attend. “I don’t want to show with this festival that we are the better festival,” explained Kebekus. “I just want to show a lot of women in a row on a stage who make very different music and can take place wonderfully next to each other.” Unfortunately, in comedy as well as in the music industry, organizers “book exactly one woman and think: that’s enough, the quota is met.” (dpa)

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