Hospitals, Ehpad, courts, teachers… these urgent files awaiting Macron

by time news

A great consultation with all the actors of the school, same thing for health. If re-elected President Emmanuel Macron has already set his priorities, on the ground, and in particular in public services, it is above all solutions and means to resolve emergencies that are expected, even before starting reforms. In some sectors, calls for mobilization have already been launched for the 1is-May.

From the lack of caregivers in hospitals and nursing homes to the difficulties of access to public services in rural areas, an overview of hot issues for the future government.

Hospitals and medical deserts: overcoming the lack of doctors and caregivers

Often skeptical of the need for a “great consultation”like the one promised by Mr. Macron during the presidential campaign, health actors consider above all that measures « urgent » et « fortes » are necessary.

The observation is widely shared among hospital workers: the Ségur de la santé, launched in 2020 at the end of the first wave of Covid-19, and its envelopes “historical” (19 billion euros of investment over ten years; 183 euros increase for hospital staff…) were not enough. “The bleeding continues, the caregivers are leaving”, points out Sophie Crozier, neurologist at Pitié-Salpêtrière (AP-HP) and member of the Inter-Hospital Collective. His discipline is just one example among others: while 12% of beds were closed in the Ile-de-France neurovascular units in November 2021, they are now 23%.

With the shortage of nurses in establishments and the lack of doctors in several specialties, beds are closing quietly in services. But these are also emergency services which can no longer open except in dotted lines, or even maternity wards which find themselves at a standstill, as in Nevers, following sick leave filed by all the wise men. -women. A fear dominates in the very short term: how to manage to pass the summer, always tense period?

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Nevers, the only maternity hospital in the department closes its doors temporarily

Fixing a minimum ratio of carers for a number of patients, calling into question the method of financing the hospital, allocation of a budget commensurate with needs, upgrading of salaries, night work, etc. Several measures relating to resources and manpower are needed immediately to bring about a “electroshock”we defend in the ranks of the staff unions. “There is this loss of meaning, underlines Fabien Paris, nurse in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) and member of the Collectif Inter-Urgences. We see that quality, human work with the patient is no longer possible. “Public services have been sacrificed for five years, we already had season 1, so season 2, we can see it coming! »he says.

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