unions and government reach agreement on safety protocol

by time news

Time.news – An agreement was found on the school safety protocol in view of the start of the new year.

The draft of the agreement found at the end of a river confrontation between the trade unions and the technicians of the Ministry of Education concerns the fast track for school staff vaccines and measures to avoid chicken coop classes.

Bianchi, allocated 2 billion for return to attendance

“We are taking every action necessary to ensure the return to the classroom with targeted and timely interventions – said the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi – the agreement reached with the trade unions is a further step and testifies the common commitment to guarantee each student the right to be able to return to school safely and in presence, recovering the relationship with their classmates, teachers, sociality “.

“We have already allocated over 2 billion for the return to school – explained the minister – we have been working for months. With the Protocol that has just been signed, we have intervened in support of the most fragile situations and people. Regarding the distancing, we intervene where there are the most numerous classes, which are concentrated above all in secondary schools in the urban suburbs.

Only Anief did not sign the agreement, confirming the free collective appeal to the Court of Rome to challenge it together with Law Decree no. 106 in contrast to EU Regulation no. 953/21, after having collected one hundred thousand signatures in six days for its abolition.

The draft Security Protocol circulating in these hours, as you can read on the Tuttoscuola.com website, provides preferential lanes for the vaccination of school staff through priority access. In addition, concrete support for the methods of verifying the Green Passes of school staff and on the application aspects of the legislation.

The Ministry of Education specified in the evening that in the Protocol “there is no provision, nor has it ever been thought of providing, for a free swab mechanism for the so-called no vax”. “The Protocol, on the other hand, provides for a preferential lane for staff who have yet to get vaccinated, therefore an intensification of the vaccination campaign – explains a note – the Protocol, then, tracing what is already established today by the regulations in force, allows schools, on the basis of a preventive institutional connection with the extraordinary Commissioner for the health emergency, to ‘carry out diagnostic swabs to the staff through agreements with the Local Health Authorities or with affiliated diagnostic structures’ “.

The Green pass node will in any case be contained in a specific note that the Administration will send to educational institutions in the coming days.

Staying at home confirmed in case of temperature above 37.5 or other flu symptoms. There are procedures for managing entrances and exits, in order to avoid gatherings, and specific indications for the daily cleaning of spaces.

The Protocol identifies the provisions for: aeration of spaces (the exchange of air must be constantly guaranteed, including through mechanical tools), canteen management, carrying out the Pathways for skills and orientation (PCTO), activities in boarding schools, in the Provincial Centers for Adult Education (CPIA), use of school premises by external subjects, management of symptomatic cases.

Confirmed on psychological and pedagogical-educational support for staff, to female students and students.

(Article updated at 21.00)


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