DIRECT. Legislative: the PS stands behind the proposals of LFI, the ecologists hope for an agreement

by time news


The Socialist Party will become a kind of small PRG

Asked about CNews, the former socialist deputy Julien Dray deplores that the management of the Socialist Party has lined up behind the program of the rebellious. “The Socialist Party will become a kind of small PRG, a very small party. And that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is totally skillful. He will have lots of small parties and then one day he will be fine with the Greens, one day he will be fine with the Socialists. »


Corbière defends Taha Bouhafs

“Stop racial profiling against certain people. Taha Bouhafs has appealed, he is not convicted”, annoys Alexis Corbière about the journalist-activist, sentenced on September 28, 2021 by the Paris Criminal Court, then found him guilty of public insult on account of the ‘origin.


“There is no majority support for Emmanuel Macron’s program”

“There is no majority support for Emmanuel Macron’s program, assures Alexis Corbière. But also, people did not want the victory of the far right”, analyzes Alexis Corbière, who hopes to convince the more than 12 million abstainers to vote next June.


“Socialists are distancing themselves from François Hollande”

“We will have to build new balances of power” at European level, continues Alexis Corbière, who is pleased that the Socialists have completely revised their position on the subject. “The people of the PS with whom we work are serious people”, he continues, adding that the socialists “are distancing themselves from François Hollande”.


“We worked well”, welcomes Alexis Corbière

“We have worked well, the work is not finished. It is a serious discussion and indeed the Socialist Party answered the program points which for us were important. The deputy promises that each left-wing formation which has concluded an agreement will benefit from a parliamentary group.


Bayou recognizes points of disagreement

The national secretary of EELV recognizes that disagreements persist with the rebellious on certain subjects, in particular on Europe. Julien Bayou evacuates this debate by indicating that these subjects of discord fall rather within the presidential power and that an agreement can be found on most of the themes of this legislative campaign.


Julien Bayou says he hopes for an agreement on the left

Invited to France 2, the national secretary of EELV says he wants to wrest a majority from the National Assembly. “On the project, we can have the most ambitious platform (…) For us the challenge is to have an environmental group to be able to influence the five-year term. We cannot waste three or five more years on the climate and I am hopeful of a common banner on May 1, ”he explains, assuring that “the agreement is in sight”.


The Socialists want to move forward in their discussions

The Socialists have worked on their proposals to obtain a programmatic agreement with La France insoumise. In detail, the socialist negotiators are clearly behind the program carried during the presidential election by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. On the European side, they mark a real break with the positioning adopted in recent years. They thus assume that the implementation of this program implies not respecting certain rules.


The story of Macron’s in-between rounds

The Head of State really put on the candidate’s clothes between the two rounds of the election. From Hauts-de-France to Marseille, he came into contact with the French, attacked Marine Le Pen, and reassured his camp. Back on these two weeks when he started in the arena. Discover the story of these intensive fifteen days in Le Parisien Week-end or by clicking on this link.


Ministers ready to campaign

According to information from France Inter, the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti will run for deputy in the North. His colleague from National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer would do the same in Loiret.


Macron master of clocks

All the members of the government met this Thursday for what they thought was their last Council of Ministers. But the president hinted that he would take his time before appointing a new team, probably not before May 8. More information in our article.


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