Bucha will soon be twinned with Bergamo

by time news

Time.news – On the one hand, the city symbol of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the procession of trucks full of coffins that could not find peace in the spring of 2020. On the other, the suburb of Kiev occupied by the Russians at the end of February and martyred for weeks , until the withdrawal and the macabre discovery of mass graves and the bodies of civilians abandoned in the street. The two cities will soon be twinned: the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Feroduk, received today, from the hands of Piersilvio Fagiano, general manager of Cesvi, an NGO based in Bergamo, the proposal of the first Orobic citizen, Giorgio Gori. Fagiano himself told the Time.news, who has been in Ukraine for a few days to establish in concrete terms how to contribute to tackling the war emergency.

© Xinhua/Avalon.red / AGF

The trucks carrying the coffins of Covid victims away from Bergamo

“Feroduk was very happy with this proposal, which will be approved at the first meeting of the Bucha city council, next week – explained Fagiano – The mayor has made an office available to Cesvi in ​​the structures of the Municipality and has given us a list of priorities “.

As an NGO, we are from Bergamo, therefore very pragmatic, and we plan to send the things we need quickly, we need to think about the reconstruction and the return of the people who have left. “Bucha, who is about thirty kilometers away north-west of the capital Kiev, in the direction of the Belarusian border, it was one of the first cities to be occupied by the Russiansand after the liberation the horrors committed during the weeks of the occupation on civilians emerged.

Before the war it had 53,000 inhabitants, now there are 3,500 left. The mayor recently estimated that between 5 and 10,000 citizens would be killed.

After the images of the devastation and the corpses of civilians in the streets went around the world, Fagiano said referring to his interview with Feroduk, “everyone came to shake his hand, but then they left. We are counting on instead. stay and work with him We will send a technical mission of a couple of people as soon as possible, to agree with the authorities how to proceed with the aid: the needs are many. We are here because Bucha relivesand I believe this will be the slogan of our next fundraiser. ”

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