The position of the people of Sri Lanka regarding the Rajapaksas was revealed

by time news

Nine out of ten Sri Lankans think the Rajapaksas should stay out of politics.

This is according to a poll conducted by the Social Indicator section of the Center for Policy Alternatives.

These polls are not limited to mass protests. It is seen as sending a message to the government that there is widespread opposition to the economic and political crisis.

The current crisis has affected many people in the country, according to opinion polls. Eighty-eight percent of those polled said they or someone in their family stood in line last month to get fuel and cooking gas essentials.

Nine out of ten respondents said that his or a close family member’s economy was affected by the current economic crisis.

The poll also found that the current crisis has created awareness among the people about democratic citizenship.

More than half of those polled said men and women had taken part in protests against those responsible for the country’s situation.

Nationwide, people have unanimously blamed the Gotabhaya Rajapakse government for the current crisis (considered the worst economic crisis since independence).

According to opinion polls, 62 percent blame the Gotabhaya Rajapaksa government’s mismanagement of the economy for the current crisis. 14 percent attribute the current crisis to the way all the rulers who have ruled the country since independence have handled the economy.

Ninety-six percent said the assets of all politicians should be audited and unaccounted for assets frozen. Nine out of ten want the prime minister to step down and the Rajapaksa family to step down from politics. Eighty-seven percent want Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to resign.

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