Rise in the minimum wage and wages, price of cigarettes and black box in cars… what is changing on May 1, 2022

by time news

Who says first day of the month says changes… Between wage increases, lower prices for certain packs of cigarettes (and increases for others) and the obligation of black boxes inside vehicles, there are many changes on May 1, 2022. . Le Parisien lists them.

Minimum wage increase

Workers paid at minimum wage will see a change on their payslip at the end of the month. From May 1, the minimum interprofessional growth wage will actually be increased by 2.65% due to the very sharp increase in the cost of living. The gross hourly minimum wage will therefore increase from 10.57 to 10.85 euros. For a full-time job, the monthly minimum wage will increase net from 1,269 to 1,302.64 euros.

Salary increases for some civil servants

Public employees may also see their salaries increase. The minimum salary index is increased by 2.65% on May 1, 2022, following the rise in the minimum wage. The minimum salary in the public service is thus increased to 1649.48 euros gross monthly for a full-time job. This boost will benefit nearly 694,000 public officials, employed by the State, local authorities and hospitals, specifies the government.

Increase in allowances

Beneficiaries of family allowances will see, on May 5, the color of the revaluation of aid that entered into force on April 1. Activity bonus, active solidarity income (RSA), solidarity income (RSO) and allowances for disabled adults (AAH) all increased by 1.8%. In addition, there is also an identical increase for family benefits such as family allowances, the family supplement, the birth bonus, the education allowance for disabled children (AEEH), the family support allowance ( ASF) or the on-call supplement.

Increase in the “salary” of trainees

The remuneration of vocational training interns has never changed since 2002. From May 1, this will no longer be the case for those participating in an internship approved by the State or the Region. It is the age that will determine its level. For 16-18 year olds, the remuneration will go from 130 euros to 200 euros per month. For trainees aged 18 to 25, it will increase to 500 euros (compared to 310 or 400 euros previously). Beyond 25 years, the remuneration will reach 685 euros.

Lower price of some cigarettes

For once, the price of certain cigarettes will drop from May 1. Several brands – Lucky Strike, Peter Stuyvesant, Rothmans, Vogue, and Winfield – are affected, but not all of their products. The drop is slight, a few tens of cents. Others will see their price increase.

A black box in cars

It will soon be easier to determine the circumstances of an accident… From May 1, all new cars sold must have a “black box” which will notably record the driving parameters. This rule was set within the framework of a European text. In 2024, all cars, even used ones, will have to have one.

Paying for train tickets with holiday vouchers more easily

This is a huge novelty for those who have holiday vouchers. It will be possible, in May, to pay for train tickets with holiday vouchers without going through the ticket office. But it will always be necessary to do it upstream since it will be necessary to dematerialize them from the site of the National Agency for Holiday Vouchers, send them to the organization and finally be able to use them when buying tickets.

Income tax return to be completed

These are dates to keep in mind. Taxpayers living in departments numbered 1 to 19 have until May 24, 2022 to complete their tax return online, those from 20 to 54 until May 31 and those beyond until June 8, 2022. who still want to complete their tax return in paper format have until May 19, 2022, as evidenced by the postmark.

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