How to lower blood pressure, here is a common fruit with miraculous properties

by time news

Hypertension, such as lowering blood pressure

The problem of arterial hypertension it is much more common than one might think. In Italy, in fact, it affects on average 33% of men and 31% of women. It is a disorder that should not be underestimated: if the blood pressure remains high over a long period of time, consistently above 130/80 mm / Hg, can increase the risk of heart attack e stroke.

To lower the blood pressure, however, there are some methods: not smoking, do regular physical activityand keep a adequate body weightopting for healthy eating it’s right.

How to lower blood pressure? The DASH diet takes care of it

This type of diet called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), è un food model meant to help many people to lower the blood pressure and includes rules such as:

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Not just lifestyle, there are also specific foods that help lower blood pressure. Here are 8 types of food that follow the guidelines of DASH diet and they can help lower the blood pressure.


Well, in the list of fruits and, more generally, of the foods most useful for lowering blood pressure, there are blueberries. Among the benefits deriving from the consumption of these fruits, those at the level of cardiovascular health they received particular attention from researchers, who were able to gather various evidence of their positive effects on the heart and arteries.

Eaten alone, used to make smoothies or accompanied with yogurt, i fresh blueberries they keep their properties intact thanks to the presence of anthocyanin flavonoidsuseful to reduce the risk of hypertension.

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