The world’s leading university is attacking Israel; This is how they reacted

by time news

Harvard Crimson, the student newspaper of the world’s leading university, Harvard, published an editorial in support of the Boycott of Israel (BDS) and “The Struggle of the Palestinians.” The article said: “We feel the need to argue that support for the liberation of the Palestinians is not antisemitic.” Anti-Defamation League: “Comparing Zionism to ‘White Supremacy’ is shocking, wrong and absurd”

Harvard Crimson magazine, the student newspaper of the world’s leading university, Harvard, published an editorial in support of the Boycott of Israel (BDS) movement and “The Struggle of the Palestinians.”

The article, which compared Zionism to the racist apartheid regime in South Africa, stated that it reflected the views of “most editors in the system”. At the beginning of the article they emphasized the need to support all the “oppressed in the world” and wrote that “the pursuit of just justice is spreading, like fire in a field of thorns, and motivates us to act, speak, write and correct our past injustices.”

“In the last year, the Committee for Solidarity with Palestine at Harvard has done just that. First and foremost, we want to extend our sincere support to those who have been and still are victims of violence in occupied Palestine, as well as to all civilians affected by the war in the region. “They will do it at all. But our position is not rooted in comfort, but in basic principles that we must adhere to – even if it is difficult,” it said.

The article further claims that Palestinians undergo property and land confiscations, deprivation of citizenship, restrictions on movement and illegal killing on a daily basis. “We feel the need to argue that support for the liberation of the Palestinians is not antisemitic.”

At the same time, they stated: “We unequivocally oppose and condemn anti-Semitism in all its forms, including the times when it appears on the fringes of other worthy movements. The Jewish people – like any nation, including Palestinians – deserve nothing but life, peace and security.”

In the article, the editors compared Zionism to the apartheid regime – and the BDS in the fight to end racism in South Africa: “The tactics that BDS embodies have a historical record; they helped win the liberation of black South Africans from apartheid, and have the potential to do the same for Palestinians today.”

“Israel’s current policy pushes the Palestinians to have no state forever, combining ethno-national legislation and an ongoing attack on West Bank sovereignty through illegal settlements that make it difficult for the two states to resolve; it receives an assertive and unflinching international response,” he said. Add.

Jonathan Greenblatt, executive director of the Anti-Defamation League, issued a statement condemning the incident, writing: Moreover, comparing Zionism to ‘white supremacy’ is shocking, wrong and absurd. The anti-Israel view mentioned in the article does not indicate an understanding of the past or present of the region. It’s just spreading misinformation. “

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