Strong tensions and degraded signs during the demonstration in Paris

by time news

Numerous clashes oppose the police forces to very mobile groups of young people dressed in black on the sidelines of the May Day demonstration, in which thousands of people participate in the streets of Paris on Sunday afternoon. The first tensions took place only a few minutes after the departure of the procession from the Place de la République. A very mobile group of demonstrators, wearing black clothes, gloves and masks, broke away from the main procession at rue Oberkampf to clash with the police.

Further on, in the streets adjacent to Boulevard Voltaire, the demonstrators tried to erect a barricade using palisades. The window of an insurer was destroyed with hammer blows. On the same boulevard Voltaire, near Place Leon-Blum, the demonstrators present upstream of the procession attacked a McDonald’s, most of whose windows were destroyed and covered with tags. They threw projectiles, including fruit, at the security forces. The police tried to disperse them with tear gas.

According to an AFP journalist, around twenty brands, mostly McDonald’s, insurers, real estate agencies or banks, were damaged while a car was broken into. The demonstration started shortly after 2:30 p.m. from Place de la République towards Place de la Nation, at the call of the inter-union CGT-Unsa-FSU-Solidaires, joined by the student and high school organizations Unef, VL , MNL and FIDL, with demands on the issues of wages, public services, social protection and ecological transition. Many left-wing political leaders, such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) and Olivier Faure (PS) are also present in the procession.

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