Five tips to give your old ‘smartphone’ a new life

by time news

R. A.




Companies constantly fill the market with new mobiles, which can cause some users to change their terminal when, deep down, the one they already had continues to work perfectly. In any case, it is important to bear in mind that the act of picking up a new ‘smartphone’ nor does it imply that you have to leave the old one in the drawer collecting dust. There are ways to give it a second life that can also help extend the life of your most frequently used device. And it is that the battery does not forgive. Here we share a few tips.

Your war mobile

Taking your brand new ‘smartphone’ to the end of the world may not be the best idea. If, for example, you like to go climbing, you are a fan of extreme sports or you kill the weekends of the summer from festival to festival, it might be a good thing to think about leave the new terminal at home and take the old one with you.

In this way, you can save yourself an upset if you lose it or if it breaks.

a hard drive

Nowadays, there are a lot of cloud services that the user can use to store files. However, it never hurts to err on the side of caution and keep multiple copies of information you consider important.

This also goes for memories, such as the photos and videos with friends and family. If you don’t want to fill the memory of the new device with all this data, resorting to the old terminal can be a good option.

To watch movies and play video games

Many of the ‘smartphones‘ that reach the market today have fast charging, which allows the device to have enough battery for normal use after spending just a few minutes connected to the current. However, it must be remembered that battery problems are one of the main reasons why a user decides to change their mobile. When we use the terminal while we charge it, it tends to overheat, which can reduce its useful life.

To take care of the battery, if you are one of those who usually watch a movie or a series on your mobile before going to bed, it may be interesting to use your old device while leaving the new one charging and not being used. This also works with video games for ‘smartphone’.

like radius

If the terminal has an Internet connection, you can use it as a radio without any problem while you are cooking or getting ready to start the day. Of course, if you do, you’ll also be able to save usage and battery life on your new smartphone.

to entertain the children

Younger children should not use a smartphone without adult supervision. But it is true that sooner or later, and even more so in the current hyperconnectivity, they will have access. The best thing to do before putting the device in their hands is to activate parental controls, see what they consume and what they don’t, and set limits on them.

Once this is done, the old telephone can be used to entertain them for a while, save them animation movies or series or create a profile for them on streaming services, such as HBO or Netflix. In this way we will avoid unnecessary expenses on a new device and, on the other, we guarantee that if it breaks we will not lose too much, and more so with how careless some are.

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