Ram Erlichman has been appointed Deputy CEO of the Israel Electric Corporation

by time news

The IEC board of directors has unanimously decided: Ram Erlichman, IEC’s VP of generation and energy, will fill the position of outgoing IEC CEO Ofer Bloch as of May 9, 2022.

The decision of the IEC board of directors was made last night (Sunday). Erlichman will temporarily replace the company’s CEO, and his term will continue until June 16, 2022 or until the entry into force of Meir Spiegler’s appointment, whichever is earlier.

Spiegler was elected CEO of the Electric Company by the Locating Committee. He was considered the preferred candidate by Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and reached the final line of the Locating Committee along with two candidates from the company, Acting CEO Itzik Belmes and CFO Avi Deutschman Among the trio, Spiegler was chosen, who until about a month ago still served as a director of the company.

Following the resignation of the company’s chairman Dov Bahrav, Energy Minister Karin Elharar and the director of the Companies Authority, Michal Rosenbaum, decided to wait with Spiegler’s appointment procedure until the allegations against the appointment procedure were examined.

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