Emmanuel Macron evokes a possible reintegration of non-vaccinated caregivers

by time news

“We cannot, while there are still cases, immediately reintegrate” caregivers who have not been vaccinated against Covid, said the Head of State on Friday.

Six months after the entry into force of the suspension of caregivers not vaccinated against Covid-19, the executive is giving some visibility to this population. Asked during a trip to the Hautes-Pyrénées last Friday, Emmanuel Macron spoke about a possible reinstatement of these professionals.

«When we are no longer in the acute phase [de l’épidémie, ndlr]we will do it“, indicated the head of state to the French who questioned him, in a sequence noted in particular by our colleagues from BFMTV. “Vis-à-vis the other caregivers who have been vaccinated, who have also made the effort, ethical, which has been carried by the medical orders, we cannot, while there are still cases, reintegrate all right now“, he justified himself. “We are today continuing to descend” the curve of cases, but it is still too early, seemed to indicate Emmanuel Macron. “If it continues to drop in the next few weeks, we will go in this direction“, he added, during the same trip.

In France, the vaccination obligation was put in place for caregivers in mid-September 2021. It aims to protect the most fragile populations cared for in health establishments, on the one hand, as well as professionals, on the one hand. somewhere else. The booster dose is included in the vaccination pass: the people concerned must provide proof of a complete schedule since mid-October, or, failing that, a certificate of recovery from Covid-19 or proof of contraindication medical. “If they have not been vaccinated on time, employees or public officials may be suspended, without pay.“recalls the administration.

It remains difficult to estimate the exact number of people who have been suspended for several months for failing to comply with this obligation. In its last epidemiological point, Santé Publique France noted that “the vaccination coverage of the booster dose was 78.6% for those working in Ehpad or USLD, 86.9% for liberals and 77.6% for employees in health establishments“. But some professionals may also have been contaminated, rendering the booster dose obsolete. As of September 15, the Ministry of Health estimated that 15,000 caregivers had been suspended. A month later, Olivier Véran indicated that two thirds had finally complied with the rules: there would therefore only be a few thousand people left.

The Covid-19 epidemic continues to circulate at high levels in France: on average, some 60,000 cases are detected every day, according to Public Health France. However, this figure has been decreasing since the end of March. Similarly, the pressure on health establishments is starting to come down: new hospitalizations and critical care admissions are falling, as is the number of patients currently being cared for. “As of April 26, 2022, 24,778 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized in France (vs. 25,352 on April 19, i.e. -2%), including 1,681 in critical care units“, according to the health authorities. There “acute phasementioned by Emmanuel Macron could therefore be outdated soon.

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