The historic agreement on the left, a May 1 under tension, turbulence in the majority … The informed of franceinfo Monday, May 2, 2022

by time news

Around Saveria Rojekthe informed discuss the news on Monday 2 May 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Saveria Rojekthe informed discuss the news on Monday 2 May 2022.

The themes :

– A historic agreement on the left : the Greens and the Insoumis have reached an agreement in view of the legislative elections. Negotiations continue with the Communists and Socialists, divided on the issue. Some voices in the PS refuse to line up behind radicalism.

– A tense May 1st : processions enamelled with incidents for this first social test of Emmanuel Macron’s new five-year term. Can we still demonstrate peacefully in France? On the left, we denounce an instrumentalization of the thugs by the power.

– Turbulence in the majority : divisions, in particular between LREM and Horizons upstream of the legislative elections when the challenge is however for Emmanuel Macron to have the largest possible majority.

The informed:

Astrid de Villaineschief political officer of the Huffington Post

Paul Quinodeputy editorial director of Liberation

Henry Vernetdeputy editor at Parisien-Aujourd’hui-en-France

Bruno CautreCNRS researcher at Cevipof, teacher at Sciences-Po

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