Educating for resilience in Italian schools, the event in Rome

by time news

The Patrizio Paoletti Foundation recounts the results of the “Prefigurare il Futuro” project in 12 schools with 1240 students, teachers and parents in a show-lesson

In the prestigious setting of Vascello Theaterthe Patrizio Paoletti Foundation presents the results of the project “Foreshadowing the Future: methods and techniques to enhance hope and planning”, carried out for the benefit of 1240 students, teachers and parents of 12 high school of Lazio, Campania, Sardinia, Lombardy, Marche, Umbria, Puglia and Sicily.

Patrizio Paolettipresident of the Foundatione Tania Di Giuseppe, psychologist and project manager, present the results of the sixth edition of Prefigurare il Futuro. Their story will be enriched by the testimonies of the students, parents and teachers who took part in the course. But the event will also be enhanced by the lesson-show “Resilient: dating with extraordinary men and women”, The last appointment of the path that will be interpreted by the actress Laura Bartoletti and the musician Marianne Gubri (arpa).

Educating for resilience in Italian schools, the project

Lasted 9 weeks, from March to May, and divided into webinar and on-line videolessons, the project offered children, families and teachers a structured awareness path in order to position the crises and changes taking place after the pandemic into a meaningful horizon, transforming frailties into strength and determination. In fact, today more than ever, adolescents and adults need new tools to face the changes taking place.

Foreshadowing the Future has promoted resilience in Italian schools, hope and prefiguration, three extraordinary abilities of the human being capable of transforming difficulties into opportunities for growth. He did it through practical tools, derived from knowledge of brain functioning. Neurosciences, the Foundation’s center of action for over 20 years, are in fact a useful and innovative tool to strengthen children, teachers, parents and foresee, prevent, prepare for the changes present in the lives of individuals and communities in the post-Covid period. 19.

“We have carried out this project – he says Patrizio Paoletti, president of the Foundation – to enhance the resources of those who are facing the heaviest consequences of this historical moment, in particular the new generations, teachers and parents. I’m talking about our brain’s innate abilities like resilience, hope, and foreshadowing. The search for a new self-awareness within a whole such as the world of school can help both children and adults to face adversity and grow together. “

The project was conceived by the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation and co-financed by the Mediolanum Onlus Foundation. The institutional partner is the University of Padua – FISPPA Department, which, in collaboration with the Paoletti Foundation, carried out an ad hoc research on the impact of the project, the results of which will be presented during the event.

“After bringing Foreshadowing the future in territories hit by natural disastersas the earthquake in central Italy or the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa – underlines the project manager Tania Di Giuseppe – this year we have chosen to address the educational emergency that involves our children, especially in the pre-adolescent and adolescent range. Our choice was rewarded by the great participation of the schools involved and the degree of satisfaction expressed by the students, their teachers and parents. 77% declared the importance and usefulness of the contents presented in the course. “

Event “Resilient: Meetings with extraordinary men and women”, program

The event is free and can be used in person, with places reserved for the press, and also in online streaming.

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11:00 am – Entrance of the participants in the theater

Hours: 11:30 – Presentation of the project and impact results:

· Patrizio Paoletti, president of the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation

· Tania Di Giuseppe, psychologist at the Patrizio Paoletti Foundation

· Testimonials from participants

12:00 – Resilient: meetings with extraordinary men and women

· Readings: Laura Bartoletti

Musica: Marianne Gubri (arpa)


It is a body of No Profit Research born in Assisi in 2000 by the will of Patrizio Paoletti and a group of researchers, pedagogues, psychologists, sociologists, doctors and entrepreneurs. The Foundation carries out its own research programs and pedagogical projects to achieve a single purpose: to allow each person to get in touch with their immense potential. For 21 years the Foundation studies the functioning of man with interdisciplinary research: neuroscientific, psychological, educational, didactic and social. The results of these studies, together with the connection of the most up-to-date knowledge on human functioning, are immediately translated into the educational and didactic fields, to promote the best talents in children and adults.

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