Tonight on TV: Rape as a weapon of war • Solutions for bird flu? • Russian oil • Pegasus

by time news

Solutions for bird flu?

The current bird flu outbreak is the largest ever in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of chickens and other poultry are killed every month because of the disease. There is a vaccine, but it is rarely used because it does not protect against transmission of the virus. What other solutions are being considered, and how promising are they?

Fighting bird flu is never painless

Abuse in war often goes unpunished

The number of allegations of sexual violence in Ukraine is increasing at a breakneck pace. Estimates vary from three hundred to thousands of victims. Although rape was considered a war crime as early as 1919, sexual abuse in conflict situations often goes unpunished. Something that makes it an attractive weapon of war.

Sexual Violence in Ukraine

Russian oil

European energy ministers met today to discuss possible sanctions on Russian oil. Because in addition to gas, Russia also produces a lot of oil. How dependent are we on that in the Netherlands and Europe? And what are the interests for Russia? We discuss it with an energy expert Jilles van den Beukel.

Europe is less dependent on Russia for oil than for gas

The Dangers of Spy Software Pegasus

Today, the Spanish government announced that its Prime Minister and Defense Minister were hacked last year with espionage software Pegasus. It was previously announced that French President Emmanuel Macron and Moroccan King Mohammed VI, among others, had been hacked with the software.

We talk about it with D66 MEP Sophie in ‘t Veldwho is investigating Pegasus on behalf of the European Parliament.

What will Europe do against Pegasus spy software?

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