Presidential: Russia, United States, Europe … how did the French from abroad vote in the second round

by time news

Whether they live in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, or even in South, Central or North America, French people living abroad were also called upon to vote for the second round of the presidential election. this week-end. With the exception of the 4,800 registered on the Shanghai consular lists, still prevented from leaving their homes due to confinement with no end horizon. 1.4 million people were registered on the 210 consular lists listed by INSEE at the end of March. In the first round, their participation rate was 35.12% – with large amplitudes ranging from 0 in Sanaa (Yemen) to 100% in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia – it was 38.62 % in the second round.

These voters elected 86.14% Emmanuel Macron, confirming the choice of the first round. Two weeks ago, the outgoing president was largely in the lead with 45.09% of the vote, far ahead of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (21.92) and even more ahead of Marine Le Pen (5.29%) than even Zemmour and Jadot supplanted.

In 2017, in the second round, Emmanuel Macron obtained 89.31% of the vote.

In America, Macron acclaimed

In Argentine, Emmanuel Macron was largely renewed: the outgoing president won 89% of the vote, against 11% for his rival Marine Le Pen. But only one voter in five moved to vote, as in the first round. They are slightly more numerous Brazil : 24%. Again, Macron is acclaimed, with 86% of the vote, against 14% for Le Pen. At Chili, the balance is essentially the same: 87-13. In Colombia, Emmanuel Macron did even better: the walker won 91% of the vote, with a participation of 28%. As to Venezuela, only 423 of the 2,669 voters turned out (i.e. 16% turnout). Emmanuel Macron gathers 88% of the votes there.

Cutting the continent in two, the Panama also marks an electoral border: in the north, we voted less for Macron, 76% gave him their vote in Jamaica and on the Panamanian isthmus; 62% in Dominican Republic.

To the United States, on the other hand, French voters mobilized to place Emmanuel Macron largely in the lead. Excluding Chicago and New Orleans, the US consular lists have 128,921 registrants. 46,195 voted, i.e. 36% participation, an improvement of 7 points compared to the first round, but far from 44% in 2017. The outgoing president obtained 92% of the votes. To New YorkEmmanuel Macron won 93.55% of the vote, 89.7% at Chicago.

Montréal is one of the four largest consular lists in the world with 67,000 subscribers. The French in North America voted on Saturday, due to the time difference. They chose Emmanuel Macron with 87.63% of the vote, against 12.37% for Marine Le Pen, against a background of very low participation (less than 38%). At Québecthe participation was a little higher: 38%, and the score of the outgoing president is 74.50%.

And Europe

The consular district of Geneva, in Switzerland, represents the first French expatriate community in the world. In the first round, 54,000 of the 124,000 registered voted, a turnout of 44%. The 107 polling stations were open this Sunday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., manned by 1,200 volunteers recruited and trained by the consulate. Participation is once again good, 45.2%, much higher than the average for French people living abroad. Emmanuel Macron obtained 81.27% of the votes, according to Consul Patrick Lachaussée.

The special situation of Russia and Ukraine

Despite the war and the risk of bombardment of the Ukrainian capital, on April 10, 11 French people came to vote for the first round, out of an electorate of 459 people, many of whom fled the country. Of these eleven votes, six went to Emmanuel Macron, the other six being divided between Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Valérie Pécresse and Marine Le Pen.

In Russia, which has three consulates, Éric Zemmour was placed in the lead, against a background of participation equivalent to many other countries, in the first round. In Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Ekaterinburg, of the 968 votes cast, 263 (27.17%) went to the President of Reconquest, who has long held an ambiguous speech on Vladimir Putin and criticized Western sanctions. For the second round, it is logically Marine Le Pen, however criticized for her proximity to the Kremlin, and her financial dependence on a Russian bank, who is in the lead: she obtained 58.32% of the vote in Moscow.

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