Claudia Roth on her cultural-political projects | free press

by time news

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth defined cornerstones for important cultural policy projects five months after taking office.

The start of the new government and its work was characterized by a permanent state of crisis caused by the war in Ukraine and the corona pandemic, said Roth in Berlin. Now she also named the first marker points for some previously only touched upon thematic complexes.

art exhibition documenta

“Anti-Semitism has no place at the documenta,” said the Greens politician. “At the same time, artistic freedom is a key point,” she emphasized. “Germany, with its historical responsibility, is a very special place when it comes to dealing with anti-Semitism and dealing with artistic freedom.” At the same time, Roth opposed criticism of the selection of artists. “The origin alone cannot determine what is shown and what is not.”

The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, had previously criticized the way documenta dealt with anti-Semitism in a letter to Roth. Among other things, it was about the composition of forums that should discuss the topic.

World War II Documentation Center

The concept for the planned documentation center for the Second World War and German occupation in Europe is complete. According to Roth, the cabinet should deal with it this Wednesday. The project affects 27 countries. The concept was created under the direction of Raphael Gross, President of the German Historical Museum.

However, a suitable place in the capital still has to be found for the realization. In addition to the Second World War Documentation Center, locations for three other memorials are currently being sought in Berlin: for the victims of communist tyranny, the Polish victims of war and Nazi terror, and Nazi victims among the Jehovah’s Witnesses, one of the first groups persecuted by the National Socialists.


According to Roth, the federal government wants to broaden the culture of remembrance in Germany and also take decolonization into account. Progress is being made in talks with Nigeria about the Benin bronzes, which are considered colonial loot.

Around 1100 of the artistic objects from the palace of the former Kingdom of Benin, which today belongs to Nigeria, can be found in around 20 German museums. Most of the art treasures come from the British looting of 1897.

A property transfer agreement is expected to be signed with Nigeria by July. “Then discussions can be held about how and differently we can present it,” said Roth. It shouldn’t just be about the past, but concepts for museum cooperation in the future should be developed.


Roth has created a culture and sustainability department. There, a so-called Green Culture Desk is to be linked to business and institutions. We work closely with the Federal Environment Agency.

A sticking point is the Museum der Moderne planned in Berlin. In the part of the National Gallery planned for 450 million euros, both the financial and the energy concept are controversial. The federally funded construction is scheduled for completion in 2026. It goes back to a design by the Swiss star architects Herzog & de Meuron, who also built the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the Allianz Arena in Munich.

From Roth’s point of view, the debate about the museum has already led to more sustainability. This now needs to be improved.
“This will not be an elite barn, but will show what museum means in the 21st century.” There was a great deal of openness in discussions with the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, museum and architects, and suggestions have already been made as to what a more sustainable museum could look like. The building must meet all sustainability criteria, emphasized Roth.

Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

The planned reform of Germany’s most important cultural institution is controversial. Roth wants to bring everyone involved from museums and institutions to one table in June. “We need a substantive bracket with great autonomy of the individual houses,” said Roth.

The foundation is considered to be too sluggish and its museums not up to the level of their international potential. The national museums in Berlin belong to the foundation, which is supported by the federal and state governments and has around 2,000 employees. According to an analysis by the Science Council, unclear decision-making processes result from the construction. The Board of Trustees recently decided to strengthen the autonomy of museums, libraries, archives and research institutions with the planned reform.

Humboldt Forum

According to Roth, the Humboldt Forum in Berlin must develop into a place of cosmopolitanism. “The Humboldt Forum is a huge construction site,” said the Minister of State for Culture. She also attributes the lack of cosmopolitanism to the controversial cross on the dome of the building, an inscription that calls for the submission of all people to Christianity, and to the lack of transparency in controversial donations.

The Humboldt Forum, which costs 680 million euros, is being designed by the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation with two of its museums, the State of Berlin, the Humboldt University and the Humboldt Forum Foundation. From Roth’s point of view, the structure could be improved. It is not clear who is actually responsible. Cross and inscription would have to be classified. (dpa)

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