The fine for not wearing a helmet when riding a bike

by time news

Mary Albert



The bicycle It has become an essential means of transport for many citizens, even more so now with the arrival of good weather. This means of transport, much more sustainable than others such as the car or motorcycle, has been gaining popularity over time and that is why, from the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), have been gradually improving the safety around these vehicles.

The intention is to guarantee the protection of these users more and more. That is why the latest reform of the Law on Traffic and Road SafetyIt has caused a lot of controversy in recent months due to the change in some of the regulations regarding users who use this method of transport.

The importance of the helmet in a supposed bicycle accident is vital and wearing it or not wearing it can mean a change in the severity of the injuries. In this way, its use is increasingly recommended and, in some cases, may become mandatoryas stipulated by the DGT.

These are the times when the use of a helmet is mandatory when riding a bicycle and the fine that non-compliance with the regulations can entail:

When is it mandatory to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle?

As stipulated by the Law on Traffic and Road Safety, which also includes the regulations regarding the circulation of bicycle drivers, the helmet in the city will only be mandatory for those under 16 years of age. Of course, its use for other cyclists is recommended and can avoid problems in a supposed accident.

Besides, when riding on the road its use will be mandatory for cyclists. In fact, all users must wear an approved protective helmet, except when one of these distinctions is met: prolonged climbs, medical reasons or situations of extreme heat.

What is the fine for not wearing a bicycle helmet?

In any of these cases in which the helmet must be complied with as a protection tool, this must always be placed correctly and be fastened properly, thus preventing it from being thrown out in any specific situation.

In this way, circulating without a helmet or with the helmet incorrectly when it is mandatory can lead to a fine of 200 euros for the user who fails to comply with it –both for those who do not comply with the regulations on the road and if they do not do so in the city–.

The new rules of the DGT for personal mobility vehicles

The new rules of the DGT are, in large part, aimed at personal mobility vehicleswhich are those with one or more wheels equipped with a single seat and propelled exclusively by electric motors.

Although his speed does not exceed 25 km/h, the truth is that these means of transport have been the cause of some of the most notorious fatal accidents in recent years. In fact, in 2020, 8 deaths were recorded traveling in this type of vehicle.

As stipulated by traffic regulations, these vehicles, including electric bicycles, vehicles for people with reduced mobility or scooters, they cannot circulate on interurban roads, crossings, motorways, expressways or urban tunnels.

Also, their drivers they will also not be able to wear headphones, use the mobile or use other devices while driving. Like drivers, they are subject to the same maximum rates of alcohol allowed by the Road Safety Law, and they will also be prohibited from consuming drugs while driving.

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