Impact of volcanic eruptions: NASA with new discovery | Volcanic eruptions may destroy the ozone layer, the doom Earth

by time news

NASA scientists have made a new discovery of how harmful volcanic eruptions can be to Earth. The epicenter was reported below the Pacific Ocean floor, however; no tsunami alert was issued. There was a tsunami. New findings suggest that the debris has significantly affected local areas.

The new findings are based on a study of climate regeneration. Researchers have recreated the Columbia River basalt eruption in the Pacific Northwest between 15 million and 17 million years ago. Its findings are published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Intense volcanic eruptions can destroy the ozone layer, which shields us from ultraviolet rays, and significantly warms the Earth’s climate. These so-called flood basalt eruptions are responsible for the current state of Venus and Mars.

This is a series of centuries of volcanic eruptions. Such explosions occur at the same time as large-scale extinctions on Earth. Many of these are related to the hottest periods in Earth’s history. Flood basalt is also commonly found on other Earths in the Solar System, such as Mars and Venus.

New findings on climate regeneration contradict previous studies. Previous studies have suggested that volcanic eruptions can cause extreme temperatures to cause colder climates.

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