Gas consumption fell in France at the start of the year

by time news

The war in Ukraine, and the spike in energy prices it caused, does not seem to be the only explanation. Mild temperatures are also particularly to blame.

While energy, and in particular gas, has been at the center of all attention since the war in Ukraine broke out, French individuals and companies have reduced their consumption since the start of the year. This is shown by data from GRTgaz, the main gas transport operator in France. Over the period running from January 1 to April 24, gas consumption in France has indeed fallen by 8%, or 15 terawatt hours (TWh), compared to the same period in 2021, according to figures communicated to the Figaro.

However, the conflict in Ukraine, and the spike in energy prices it caused, does not seem to be the only explanation for this finding. For the consumption of public distribution managers, who transport gas to municipalities, mainly for individuals, “this is due among other things to a warmer temperature in 2022 than in 2021“, explains GRTgaz. The surge in wholesale prices on the markets has in fact had little effect on French households, protected by the tariff shield on energy put in place by the government in October 2021. The latter resulted for gas at a freeze regulated sales tariffs (TRV) until June 30, 2022, which the executive plans to extend until the end of the year.

But we must not exclude from the equation the possible efforts of certain households to moderate their consumption, even if they are very difficult to estimate. Since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, national and international authorities have constantly called on individuals to reduce their energy consumption. The latest in France, the president of the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE), Jean-François Carenco, in a daily interview The echoes end of March. «We must save gas and electricity in France now otherwise it could go wrong next winter“, he warned. Especially since the EU is preparing for a break in its Russian gas supplies, said the European Commissioner on Monday.

Refining, automotive and metallurgy on the front line

As for professionals, who represent three-quarters of gas consumption in France (74%), according to the latest figures from CRE, industrial customers have seen a 9.1% decline in gas consumption over the first quarter of 2022.”Several reasons seem to be behind this decline and it is difficult to discern them», Estimates GRTgaz, citing the «economic downturn“, the “high energy and raw material prices“, but also the “supply difficulties accentuated by the war in Ukraine“. Certain industrial sectors are particularly affected by this drop in gas consumption: refining (-35%), automotive (-18%), metallurgy (-15%).

The evolution of gas consumption (PITD = transport distribution interface point) GRTgaz

On the other hand, gas consumption for electricity production is growing strongly in 2022 compared to last year. Over the January-April period, it is up 25.9%, “due to very low availability of the nuclear fleetlow renewable energy production and limited electricity import capacity from other countries“, indicates GRTgaz. Nuclear power, the main source of electricity in France, has indeed suffered the full force of the forced shutdown of several reactors, due to technical anomalies.

SEE ALSO – France and Germany are “preparing” for a Russian gas supply shutdown

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