Members of the Bennett and Shaked coalition at the Palestinian ceremony; Painful civilians demonstrated outside

by time news

Israeli-Palestinian Remembrance Day Ceremony: A row of MKs from the far left, members of the Bennett-Lapid government, participated in the ceremony. Right-wing activists demonstrated outside.

A riot broke out tonight (Tuesday) when right-wing activists came to demonstrate against the participants in the Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony, which is being held for the 17th year in a row, at the initiative of left-wing elements. “Goebbels was proud of you,” right-wing activists called to the ceremony attendees.

The controversial ceremony, attended by bereaved Israeli families and families of Palestinians killed, was also attended by Knesset members from the extreme referendum, including: Musi Raz, Michal Rosin, Gabi Lasky from March. Ibtisam Maraana from “Labor” alongside Ofer Kasif from the joint list, as well as the wife of the extreme left and former MK Zehava Gal-On.

As every year, the very existence of the ceremony provoked quite a stir and reactions on social media from politicians, media people and social activists. MK Itamar Ben Gvir wrote: “The memorial service for Musi Raz and Ibtissam Maraana, who dreams of destroying the memory of Yaakov, is a memorial service in memory of terrorists who tried to murder soldiers. The problem is that the Supreme Court allows people like Raz and Yair Golan, who compare the soldiers to the Nazis, to run in the Knesset elections and spit in the faces of the bereaved families. “

Media people also attacked the organizers of the ceremony. TV presenter Haim Etgar wrote: “Suppose there are Israelis who want to hold a memorial day for Palestinians. Their right. I do not connect and do not understand, but it is their right. But what I just do not understand is why it is urgent to hold Palestinian Remembrance Day Israel’s systems and hostilities? Is it impossible one evening a year to honor the fallen, the martyrs and the bereaved families? Why reduce and reduce our bereavement and loss and attach it to something else, to another nationality? To do so on this important day. “

Hanoch Daum, an Israeli journalist and comedian, said that he refused to invite the organizers of the ceremony. He posted a screenshot of his invitation on his Facebook account. “This year there will be a joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony for mostly peace fighters online, and we have a limited number of journalists who can physically attend the ceremony. If you really want to experience this ceremony, with bereaved families on both sides. See what makes them attend this ceremony. “It is very controversial. We will be very happy if you come,” the message read.

The journalist replied sharply: “I do not really accept the concept of bereaved families on both sides if there are terrorist families there, and even if there are not – I think that holding this day on the day of Memorial Day for soldiers is a finger in the eye of Israeli society.”

In the post, Daum added: “It is sad to me that this should be explained at all: if an IDF fighter was killed in a battle with terrorists who were on their way to the attack, his family is a bereaved family, but the family of the terrorists is a family of terrorists.”

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