Doctor warns Miss-C. Any house with children who have been infected with covids should know. Reveal common symptoms.

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Doctor warns Miss-C. Any house with children who have been infected with covids should know. Reveal common symptoms. pointed out that if severe, there is a chance of death advice on how to prevent Vaccines that should be injected

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On 4 May 65, Facebook page Infectious is easy. by Dr. Songkiat Udomphonwattana Doctor of Pediatrics Division Phutthachinraj Hospital, Phitsanulok posted a message warning parents in case of children infected with coronavirus, saying that any of the children in the household has youth who have been infected with coronavirus. should study and know the word “…Miss-C…” Recently, there are plenty of young admins in the Miss-C ward, and some people suspect Miss-C because they have a fever after recovering from covids.

Next, doctors and parents of youth must have knowledge of Miss-Z. because it will increase according to the number of pediatric patients infected with COVID

Diagnosis is not difficult. MIS stands for MIS-C = multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. After recovering from coronavirus infection

Let’s see the doctor’s diagnosis.

1) Children aged 0 to 21 years old who have been infected with COVID-19

2) Approximately 2-6 weeks after recovery or during 10 days of quarantine, reappearance of high fever, fever for more than 24 hours, and

3) There are symptoms indicating inflammation of two or more organs as follows:

The most common are liquid diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

The next sequence found was conjunctivitis on both sides, red rash all over the body, hands, feet, red swelling, red tongue similar to skin.Strawberryawberry red lips

The above common symptoms mild symptoms but will have a high fever

Other symptoms Rare but severe symptoms Chance of death include nervous system, seizures, unconsciousness, shock, liver failure, renal failure, myocardial infarction.

4) Blood results indicate inflammatory primary ESR CRP proBNP TropI high Other d-dimer procalcitonin trigleceride PT PTT INR lactate

5) Every case that thinks of MIS-C must also consider other diseases and treat them as well. Bacterial infection in the bloodstream should send for bacterial culture in the blood and give antibiotics to all suspected Missy

6) Miss-C treatment The immunosuppressant IVIG, the steroid methylprednisolone, and the ASA antiplatelet.

7) Preventing Missy is the best way to prevent getting infected with coronavirus. and get the covid vaccine

8) Other vaccines that should be given are: flu vaccine and others for children at risk of having congenital disease IPD should be vaccinated against pneumonia (not free of charge) because it reduces other infections. that may meet with Missy and has reduced the fever from preventable germs

It’s almost open Young people should be vaccinated as follows:

– COVID vaccine at age >5 years
– Influenza vaccine at age > 6 months (add-on vaccine)
and basic vaccines according to age to complete
– Another type of complementary vaccine is IPD to prevent bacterial pneumonia (not free) in people at risk of having various congenital diseases such as lung disease, diabetes, and immunodeficiency. HIV
best wishes

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