Zelensky does not expect gifts from Merkel during her visit to Kiev | News from Germany about Ukraine | DW

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy does not expect surprises from the visit to Kiev of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will visit Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow before. Zelensky said this in an interview with NV, Washington Post, Liberation, Novaya Gazeta and German Funke Media, the press service of the head of state reported on Thursday, August 19.

“I am very pragmatic in my views, and I can realistically assess my expectations. This is, first of all, about real results. I do not expect the chancellor to come with gifts to Kiev. She did not do this even in past years,” Zelensky said. … He expressed the hope that after a visit to Moscow, Merkel could come to Kiev with proposals for guarantees of energy security for Ukraine. “I hope that Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin will reach a certain agreement with which she will arrive in Kiev. These can be guarantees for Ukraine. For example, that Russia will agree to supply the minimum volumes of gas that will be transported through the gas pipeline system of Ukraine to the EU “, – Zelensky explained.

According to the Ukrainian president, Merkel in relations with Russia “promotes a very delicate path of balancing”, which he considers “too soft.” “It is clear that she is trying to maintain relations with Moscow. This can be called a pragmatic approach. And she wants to avoid any surprises during the elections to the Bundestag on September 26,” Zelensky said.

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