Legislative 2022: François Hollande “challenges” the agreement between LFI and the PS

by time news

He is one of the Socialists who reject the agreement. Former President of the Republic François Hollande told the regional daily La Montagne on Wednesday that he “rejected” the agreement between La France insoumise and the Socialist Party.

“I reject the agreement on the substance and even on the constituencies. But it is a question that must be decided by the national council of the PS, “said the former socialist president. His entourage specified that he would speak in more detail “at the beginning of next week”.

La France insoumise and the Socialist Party announced on Wednesday that they had reached an agreement for the legislative elections after agreeing on the strategy, the program and the constituencies.

Towards a tense meeting at the PS

Through this agreement, the PS joins the “New popular ecological and social union”, of which EELV and the PCF are already members under the agreements made over the past three days. The text must however be submitted for the internal approval of the Socialists on Thursday.

But the meeting promises to be tense in the face of the revolt of a minority current and historical figures of the party such as former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve who threatens to leave.

François Hollande had warned Thursday, April 28 against a “disappearance” of the PS in the event of an agreement with LFI. It would be “a questioning of the very history of socialism, of François Mitterrand and his European commitments, of Lionel Jospin and his economic credibility and his social progress”, he had declared.

“I think that this agreement will not be accepted because it is precisely unacceptable”, with “for the first time in the history of the left (…) the disappearance of any socialist candidacy in two thirds or three quarters of the departments”, underlined François Hollande at the time.

According to the agreement, the Socialists obtain 70 constituencies, indicated the direction of the PS to the AFP, without specifying how many were winnable, except that the “outgoing deputies wishing for the agreement were preserved”.

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