No, the Spanish Supreme Court does not compare the virus to a “patented biological weapon”

by time news

Rumors about the Covid-19 are starting again on social networks. In recent days, several Internet users have argued that “the Spanish Supreme Court has declared that the coronavirus is a patented biological weapon and not a virus. According to them, Spain would be the ninth country in the world to “sue its Minister of Health and win”. “Things are really moving, guys, stay strong,” says the author of the most relayed post. On what is this Internet user based and above all, is he telling the truth? 20 Minutes make the point.

The false information has been circulating for several days on social networks. – Screenshot


The assertion that Covid-19 is a biological weapon has been circulating on social networks for many months. It is based in particular on a YouTube video posted by Charlie Ward Show in October 2021, now deleted. In this film, the author, to support his demonstration, presents a document from the Spanish Minister of Health who claims to be unable to demonstrate the existence of Covid-19. The video specifies that this response was made before the Spanish Supreme Court which asked the government to provide evidence of this virus.

If the document is real, its origin and its interpretation are false. This is actually the response from the Spanish Ministry of Health to a request for information on the virus, which was published in July 2021. The person who asked the question wanted various information on the management of the health crisis and the origin of the virus.

There is indeed in Spain an information unit at the service of citizens. Since 2014, when the law on “transparency, access to public information and good governance” came into force, it is therefore common for the government to answer questions asked by citizens. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with it.

A twisted interpretation

The meaning of the document is also diverted. It explains that “the Ministry of Health does not have a Sars-Cov-2 culture for testing and does not have a register of laboratories with culture and isolation capacity for testing. So that’s where the over-interpretation of the skeptics comes from. In reality, only security level 3 laboratories are authorized for the culture or isolation of Covid-19 samples. This explains why the government does not have one.

There has therefore been no judgment against the Spanish Minister of Health on the subject of the pandemic, and no declaration by the Supreme Court on its existence and origin.

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