Mps-David Rossi, Maurizio presents the book ‘A wrong story’: “So many anomalies, we need answers ”

by time news

We have a duty to respond al because of all anomalies that continually characterize this story and al because David died: we owe it to the family, to us and to the country“. The said journalist Pierangelo Maurizio at the presentation of the his book ‘A Wrong Story. David Rossi & Mps, an Italian mystery “, which took place in the Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies. The deputies intervened together with the author Walter Rizzetto (Fdi) e Luca Migliorino (M5s)members of the parliamentary commission of inquiry, the group leader Fdi in the Chamber Francesco Lollobrigida,
Lazarus Parrotsecretary of the Roman PressAlberto Spampinato, director of “Oxygen for Information”, Carlo Bartolipresident of the National Order of Journalists, the lawyer Paolo Piranifamily lawyer.

Maurizio said he was confident because the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the death of the former Head of Communications of the MPS “has broken a mantle that was breathed in the case” and is taking it “.determination to leave no stone unturned e heart. It brought to light facts that had not yet come to light. “The book does not want to arrive at a certainty: suicide, murder, accident? These are the hypotheses that remain standing, but step by step the various “anomalies“of the whole affair, such as” the alleged farewell notes “or” the destruction of the bloodstained handkerchiefs “.” Circumstances that need to be explained, need clarity “, underlined Maurizio.

Il volume traces the last moments of the manager, investigations into death, gaps and errors, up to the latest developments of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry. Suicide, murder, accident? In the background, the emptying of the oldest bank in the world. “The Commission of Inquiry must shed light on the many shadow areas which still exist today, “said Congressman Walter Rizzetto. “There are some pieces missing”, he underlined, adding: “Parliament has entrusted an important task to the Commission, that is, to take a step further than what has been done”. “We await the outcome of the maxi appraisal (entrusted by the Commission to the Ris and Ros experts ed) which could be decisive and from which we expect a lot “, said Rizzetto according to which se at the end of the legislature on work will not be complete
“at the beginning of the next parliamentary term I think one Commission of inquiry into this case may be proposed again“. Francesco Lollobrigidaleader of Fdi in the Chamber, recalled the commitment to establish the Commission: “The Rossi story is scandalous“, he said assuring that Fdi will continue to” work on the truth “.

We don’t want to leave any stone unturned“assured the deputy M5s Luca ImproveVice-President of the Commission, underlining the importance of the work done by Maurizio and the other journalists who have dealt with the case and the “many ideas” that emerged for the work of the Commission of Inquiry.

“It’s a beautiful booknot only because it is well written, but because it is well documented – he said Carlo Bartoli, president of the National Order of Journalists – He retraces all the stages, taking one step after another. We are all interested in understanding more of this story, the very painful death of a colleague, who is part of another story, the murder of a bank. “” David was a professional, solid, serious, capable colleague. I can’t come to a final conclusion, but he certainly wasn’t a novice colleague overwhelmed by a situation bigger than him – he observed – I wonder: if he was killed what was behind it? Heavy things. But if he didn’t kill himself then there are two commissions of inquiry: what may have induced a person like David, in a context like that, to take his own life? “.

“As a reader I have seen some faults and in those faults also events concerning journalism. The macro fault is the great operation of the banking reorganization in Italy, the international context and then the small context “, commented Lazzaro Parrotsecretary of the Roman Press, underlining the importance of the book as a “testimony”.

For Alberto Spampinatodirector of “Ossigeno per l’Informazione”, Maurizio’s book is “a real manual for those who have not followed the MPS events and the Rossi case step by step.” Spampinato, recalling the work done by the investigative reporters, concluded: “I think the reporters have done their part and today we must ask ourselves who has the strength to make a next step to give us those truths that are missing and bring out those elements of the mosaic “.

The lawyer PiraniDavid’s brother’s lawyer, stressed: “If after nine years we are talking about the case the pure truth is that David was more comfortable dead than alive. Today we talk about David Rossi and a bad investigation e there is no mention of the whole financial affair on Mps and all that was behind this story “.

“Il work of investigative journalists is an added value – concluded the lawyer – And when you try to curb the investigative journalists I ask myself a few questions and someone should give us some answers “.

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