Fire at IDF forces in Benjamin, a manhunt is underway

by time news
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IDF fighters were attacked with fire this evening (Wednesday), while they were at a position at the Focus checkpoint near Beit El in the Binyamin Mountains. No one was injured in the incident.

The shooting was carried out at the soldiers from a passing vehicle, apparently several shooters, who fled in the direction of Givat Assaf. Suspicion of a nationalist attack. A chase is underway for the terrorists.

Following the incident, Road 60 was blocked for traffic in a number of centers: Ofra Junction, Givat Assaf Junction and Mikhmas Crossing Square. In addition, Road 466 between Beit El and Givat Assaf is blocked in both directions. There may be disruptions to public transportation.

The security system is alert to escalation in the coming days. Hundreds are expected to arrive at the Temple Mount tomorrow, after about two weeks of being closed to Jews. Hamas called on Palestinians to confront worshipers.

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The Israel Police rarely published today that in recent days, incitement to violence has been circulated on social media, combined with many false and false publications about the Temple Mount, in order to stir up the area and incite violence and disorder.

According to the police, “These publications are distributed, among other things, by terrorist organizations that try to use the Temple Mount and young people to serve their purposes.

“These are false publications that have no grip on reality and are published to mislead the public, escalate and incite. We call on the public not to listen to Pike News and this wild incitement, which is mostly spread on social media by hostile and foreign interests.”

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