The Governor and the Great Man of Grace: R. Shulam Fischer ztl

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A follower was lost from the land: The governor and benefactor, Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Fischer, passed away today (Thursday) at Laniado Hospital in Kiryat Sanz in Netanya, after his condition was defined as very serious in recent days, following a serious illness from which he suffered. Today his family came to say goodbye, until Fisher returned his soul to the Creator.

Fischer, 64 (died the month he was born. .

In addition, Fischer was known for his various businesses in which he was a partner, such as the Swedish giant IKEA in its branch in Israel, and the Shufersal supermarket chain.

Fisher, orphaned by his father R. Samson – who was also a great philanthropist and owner of the Eretz Israel Hotel – when he was 7, his father died when he was on his way to his older brother’s wedding in a train car in London.

Receives the blessing of the Rebbe of Gur

Earlier this week, upon learning of the medical deterioration and the need for anesthesia, the Rebbe of Gur ordered a prayer service to be held at the orphanage established by Fischer in Ashdod, where stork orphans gathered and tore down the gates of heaven for the governor’s complete and speedy healing.

In addition, in the last day, the Rebbe of Marloy and the Rebbe Rabbi David Abuhatzira, with whom the Governor was very close, came to stay around his bed.

At his death he left behind his family members, nine children in the Torah and descendants who walk the path of Torah and Hasidism – continuing his blessed acts of kindness.

The funeral will be held at 14:00 from his home at 3 Rozovsky Street 3 Bnei Brak, at 16:00 the funeral procession will arrive at the Arloi Beit Midrash, 1 Yotam Street, in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem, at Mount of Beatitudes where he is Whitman.


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