On a scooter or motorbike, do you abandon the regulatory equipment when the good weather arrives? tell us

by time news

The month of May has just come to the end of its nose. Temperatures are rising. Sweaters and coats are put away for everyone’s delight. But when it comes to taking your scooter or motorcycle, the question arises. Should I put away my shorts and sandals for closed shoes and thick jeans? At least that is what road safety recommends.

On motorized two-wheelers, only gloves, which must fully cover the hands and wrists, and the helmet, are compulsory. Failure to wear CE certified gloves is punishable by a fixed fine of 68 euros, including for the passenger. It is then (very) strongly advised to wear a leather jacket with long sleeves, in the best case including a dorsal, thick pants that go down to the ankles and shoes that go up to the bottom of the shin. In short, the smallest bit of skin must disappear.

But under 30 degrees, the journey can quickly become unbearable. On sunny days, you can see drivers on the road in light clothing. The risks in the event of a fall without adequate clothing are nevertheless very real: burns, fractures, abrasions, muscle and joint injuries, bruises and many others. And mortality among bikers triples in the summer, both in town and on small departmental roads.

On a scooter or motorbike, do you ever drive in light clothing (shorts, T-shirt, sandals, etc.)? Is this a widespread habit on sunny days? Do you wear regulation equipment the rest of the year? Have you ever been pulled over by law enforcement for not wearing the right gear? Have you ever had an accident without being sufficiently protected? If so, what were the consequences? We are waiting for your testimonies and your arguments which will be used to write an article. All you have to do is fill out the form below. Thanks in advance.

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