The father of the orphans: The benefactor, the late Rabbi Shalom Fischer, died of a serious illness

by time news

Blessed be the truth: At Laniado Hospital in Kiryat Sanz in Netanya, the late Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Fischer, one of the most important followers of Arloi, passed away this morning (Thursday) at the age of 65, after dealing with a serious illness for the past two years.

The late deceased was born on the 3rd of Iyar 5767, to his father, the late Rabbi Shimshon Fischer, a follower of Arloi, and his son was educated in the Hasidic institutions.

He was orphaned by his father – who died when he was on his way to his older brother’s wedding in a London train car – when he was 7, and later, when he saw a blessing in his business he contributed his fortune to the world of Torah and Hasidism – but mostly devoted his time and fortune to orphans. He gave dowry to orphans and held dozens of orphans and widows who dined at his table.

He was connected in heart and soul to the Rebbe of the court of Arloi, the owner of the ‘Imri Sofer’ of Arloi and the current Rebbe and even got to marry the Rebbe’s family, after his eldest daughter married the grandson of the late Rebbe.

He had a special connection with all the great men of Israel, including the ‘milkman’ Rabbi Chaim Cohen of Givatayim, and a synagogue in one of the IKEA branches was named after him.

The great residence of the rabbis and rebbe, as well as orphans and widows, were hosted at his vacation home in the city of Safed.

According to Calcalist, his fortune is estimated at more than a billion shekels.

He started his business career starting a restaurant in Tel Aviv, and later as an industrialist at the Ner Zion candle factory and later at Palace Industries for disposable utensils and similar products. When he entered the big business world, into which he stormed, he was still an anonymous figure.

According to Calcalist, this was when in the early 2000s he met businessman Matthew Bronfman and the two teamed up to acquire control of Blue Square and the Mega chain along with Dudi Weissman and Shraga Biran. The partnership did not last long, and Fisher and Bronfman sold their shares in Blue Square in January 2007.

Two months later, the two acquired 19.8% of the shares in Shufersal and the ultra-Orthodox chain Yesh, and controlled the marketing chain alongside Nochi Dankner. They sold the shares after about a decade – at a big profit.

Bronfman and Fisher acquired IKEA Israel from the Co-op chain in 2005 for $ 38 million. The company then included one branch in Netanya and has since expanded to six branches, with the seventh to be established in Ashdod. The company’s revenue turnover is estimated at NIS 1.7 billion per year.

The two had a lesser success at the Israelum real estate company operating in Eastern Europe, where they acquired control in 2010 for NIS 170 million and sold for NIS 25 million a year later.

Quietly and modestly assisted thousands in acts of kindness.

More than two years ago he contracted a serious illness, and in recent weeks his condition has deteriorated.

For the past week he has been hospitalized in intensive care at Laniado, where he was anesthetized and respirated. Today, to the chagrin of his family, acquaintances and fans, he passed away.

He left behind nine children and many descendants who continue his path in acts of charity and kindness.

His brother is the Governor, Rabbi David Fischer, one of the most important Chabad followers.

His funeral will take place at 12:00 from the Niado Medical Center, at 14:00 from his home on 3 Rozovsky Street in Bnei Brak and at 16:00 from the large Beit Midrash Arloi in Katamon – on its way to Mount of Beatitudes.

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