Gérald Darmanin legislative candidate, Bruno Le Maire and Eric Dupond-Moretti abstain

by time news
Gérald Darmanin gives a press conference in Bousbecque, Thursday, May 5, 2022, to announce that he is a candidate for the legislative elections in the 10ᵉ district of the North.

Gérald Darmanin candidate in the North, Bruno Le Maire and Eric Dupond-Moretti who are not going there: several ministers announced Thursday, May 5 their choice for the June legislative elections while the majority must unveil their first list of nominations.

The Minister of the Interior announced his candidacy in the 10e northern constituency, where Emmanuel Macron came out on top with 57.2% of the vote in the second round of the presidential election and which includes part of the city of Tourcoing, of which he was mayor. “It was quite logical that after five years I was not hiding, that I was going to see the voters”said Mr. Darmanin during a press conference in Bousbecque (North).

His deputy will be outgoing deputy Vincent Ledoux, a member of the right-wing pro-Macron Agir party, who could keep his chair if Mr. Darmanin were elected and reappointed to government. The potential candidate Les Républicains (LR) in the constituency, Claudine Hue, present at the press conference, announced that she would ” sustain “ the Minister of the Interior, from the right.

While still a member of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), Mr. Darmanin was elected in 2012 in the same constituency. He resigned in January 2016, due to multiple mandates, after Xavier Bertrand’s victory in the regional elections in Hauts-de-France. He then became vice-president of the regional executive, until his appointment in the first government of Edouard Philippe in 2017 and his membership of La République en Marche (LRM).

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Bruno Le Maire promises to remain “fully engaged in national politics”

Another heavyweight in the government, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, announced Thursday in Evreux that he would not stand in the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. “I’ve always said I wouldn’t do more than three terms. I keep my promises”, he said during a press briefing. He also came from the right, the 53-year-old man had been elected for the first time deputy of the 1re constituency of Eure in 2007 under the UMP label. Re-elected in 2012, he retained the constituency in 2017, this time for LRM.

The Minister assured that there remained however “fully engaged in national politics”. “Since 2017, I have been taking part in government action under the authority of the President of the Republic. Along with all the other members of the majority, I mobilized for his re-election. I deeply believe in the values ​​and in the project that the President of the Republic defended in 2022 and which won the majority approval of French men and women.he argued Thursday morning.

“Political life needs clarity and change in its practices”and a constituency “is neither a right nor a pension: it imposes duties, including that of giving way to new or different personalities”further estimated Bruno Le Maire, before indicating that he would chair the support committee of his successor, his deputy Séverine Gipson, 51, who sits on the benches of the National Assembly since the appointment of Mr. The Mayor in government.

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First Majority Investitures

Same choice for the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, who will not be a candidate in the North. The Keeper of the Seals “does not intend to seek a mandate as a deputy in the North”explained his entourage to Agence France-Presse, while political indiscretions evoked a candidacy in the 15e constituency of this department from which he originates, won in 2017 by Jennifer de Temmerman (ex-LRM).

According to information from Monde, Richard Ferrand (LRM), François Bayrou (MoDem) and Edouard Philippe (Horizons) will hold a joint press conference this Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. They will present their confederation project, bringing together the three parties, for the legislative elections.

Still according to our information, La République en Marche is holding an executive office at 12:30 p.m. to ratify the first investitures of the majority, which will then be unveiled at the end of the day.

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Several ministers in search of a local anchor could appear on the list. The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, intends to go in search of a seat as a deputy in the Loiret. Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, could win the nomination in the 7e constituency of Paris, where the outgoing LRM, Pacôme Rupin, must hand over.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister Delegate for Industry, has been scouring the streets of Lens for several months, the beginnings of her campaign in Pas-de-Calais. Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State in charge of disabled people, will be a candidate in Annecy, and Emmanuelle Wargon, Secretary of State in charge of housing, in Val-de-Marne. As for the Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, the LRM deputy Alain Tourret proposed that she take over her constituency of Calvados.

The World with AFP

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