We will respect commitments, it is the most difficult airlift in history

by time news

The new Taliban rule in Afghanistan shows itself in all its dramatic terror, with the Islamists going to “to visit” house by house former activists, artists and people who had sided against the regime in the past. In the meantime, the evacuation continues with the military who have been forced to shoot to stop the pressure on the Kabul airport. In fact, we speak of at least ten thousand people trying to take flights to leave the country. And Biden spoke today, assuring that the US will respect all commitments made in the evacuation of those who are entitled to it.

In Kabul the situation has returned to stable even if, as the operators of Emergency present on the spot, the volleys of semi-automatic weapons continue day and night.

Taliban negotiate to form “inclusive” government

The Taliban, who are approaching their first week of new rule in Afghanistan, meanwhile continue to negotiate for the formation of an “inclusive” government. Islamists “will include all Afghans” in the future executive said Islamist negotiator Soheil Shahin.

“Political figures are being selected from those available”, he added, “then the official announcement will come”.

Panshir resists: also liberated three districts of Baghlan province

The eyes, however, are focused on regione del Panshir, the only one where the Taliban have not set foot and where tensions are expected in the future. For this reason, the Taliban would have met Ahmad Massud leading the resistance in Panjshir.

According to the Afghan news agency Asvaka-News Agency, there are then three districts of Baghlan province that would have been recaptured by the anti-Taliban resistance forces.

The police chief executed by the Taliban

Despite the fine words, the Taliban ferocity does not seem to stop. The latest important figure to be killed is the police commander of the Badghis province who is northeast of Herat.

Hajji Mohammed Achaksai he was executed after being forced to kneel handcuffed e blindfolded. It was a barrage of bullets that killed him. Hajji Mohammed Achaksai was captured last week after the Taliban captured the area.

Biden: “Most difficult evacuation in history but we will respect commitments: if the Taliban attack, immediate response”

And today Joe Biden also spoke, forced once again to defend himself on TV in front of his country and the whole world. “The US will respect all commitments”, he promises.

So far 13,000 people have left the Asian country. For the US president this is the “most difficult airlift operation in history”. For this reason, he adds that “actions must be coordinated with the G7 countries”, admitting, however, that he cannot guarantee the final outcome: “They do not know how many Americans are in Afghanistan”.

On the possibility that the Taliban attack, Biden without half words explains: “I was clear: any attack on evacuation operations at Kabul airport will have a immediate response”.

“We will do everything we can to give one safe evacuation to Americans and Afghans who are in danger because they have collaborated with foreign forces. I assure you that I will mobilize all the necessary resources. We are in constant contact with the Taliban to ensure the safety of Americans and civilians ”.

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