Pensions, Quota 41 the first year costs 9 billion. Inps for the social Ape

by time news

The trade union proposal to allow the exit from work with “Quota 41” of contributions regardless of age “would cost the first year 9 billion euros”. This was stated by the president of INPS, Pasquale Tridico, in an interview with Republic. To replace “Quota 100” “the way forward, in my opinion, is that of deepen the tools that already allow you to leave your job at the age of 63, such as the social Ape. The end of “Quota 100“It is not the end of the world. I believe that we should allow to anticipate retirement from work, before 67 years old, to those who perform heavy duties, for example those who work night shifts, as is already the case. The number of heavy-duty tasks must be expanded “, he adds.

The recovery of the economy also affects employment. “There is a boom in new employment relationships compared to last year, the lowest level of layoffs since the pandemic broke out and there are no feared and terrible mass layoffs.” There is also a recovery in employment “and it is very strong. Ours are real administrative data, not survey, data analysis. And we are told that the contribution flows, that is the contributions that companies and workers pay to the Institute, increased by 8% in the semester between January and June 2021 compared to the same period of 2020. a trend that allows us to say that at the end contributory revenues, net of new closures that obviously no one hopes for, will return to pre-Covid levels “, he continues.

Behind the growth of contributions “in terms of new employment relationships we are talking about over 400,000 new employees in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. There was a lot of concern about the unblocking of layoffs in the industry but there was absolutely no rush to lay off. Rather, there is a rebound in new employment relationships with a strong acceleration. We are witnessing a rapid absorption of layoffs. In July, the lowest level of authorized layoff hours was recorded: 170 million against 500 million just the previous month “, he continues.

There were, however, collective redundancies in various companies, from the Gkn of Campi Bisenzio in Tuscany to the Brianza area Gianetti but “these are previous corporate crises. Think about the case too Whirlpool“, observes Tridico. On the social safety nets, the number one of INPS says that” there is no reform because the new system will start in 2022. The pivot of the reform is the so-called “differentiated universalism” and the objective of this’ year was to begin applying it. Due to Covid, the reform was substantially brought forward. Today, the redundancy fund is foreseen for all companies, even for those with only one employee. And this is the principle of the Orlando reform. A universal institute with a differentiation on contribution rates: higher for those who will make greater use of it “.

This shock absorber reform will cost “a few billion in 2022, it depends a lot on the economic trend. In 2020 the layoffs cost us all almost 20 billion, by 2021 about 10 billion have been posted. of half: in the order of 4-5 billion “. Finally, the unions are against the mandatory green pass to enter the workplace unless a law establishes it while Tridico is “in favor. My personal opinion, but as a university professor I would like my rector to tell me: without the Green pass you cannot enter the classroom because you risk infecting students “, he concludes.

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