A resident of Lod, Oren Ben Yiftach HaYad, was killed in a terrorist attack in Elad

by time news

Black Friday in Lod: Oren Ben Yiftach, a 35-year-old father of six, was killed in a bloody attack in Elad.

Mayor Yair Revivo: “A heavy disaster befell the city of Lod. The heart is broken to pieces in the family that have suffered many disasters in recent years. We are now accompanying the family through the unbearably difficult time. The name will soon rise.”

The police, in cooperation with the GSS and other special units, have been carrying out increased activity in the Elad area since last night, using all the technological means at their disposal, in order to arrest 2 residents of the Jenin area suspected of carrying out the attack in Elad. The two main suspects in the attack in Elad, who fled the scene are: Assad Yussef Assad Al-Rafa’i, 19, and Tzabahi Imad Tzabhi Abu Shakir, 20. The two are residents of the village of Romana in the Jenin district. Any suspicion / information regarding their whereabouts must be reported to the 100 police hotline.

Aaron Zilberman is a ZAKA volunteer who was one of the first to arrive. “I was called by the ZAKA hotline to Ibn Gvirol Square in Elad, this is a terrorist incident. I quickly arrived at the scene, from the testimonies of passers-by we understood that these were two terrorists who had embarked on a murderous journey along the street and brutally attacked innocent passers-by with axes and knives. A murderous journey from Ibn Gvirol Square to the nearby amphitheater park which at the time was packed with partygoers and celebrants. These are very difficult sights, people were sprawled on the road and sidewalk from the square to the park, cries for help were heard from every corner, the heart was torn. MDA teams evacuated 3 casualties in critical condition to the hospital, and were forced to determine the deaths of 3 casualties in a critical condition who did not survive the serious injuries. ZAK volunteers from the Sharon region are in the arena and engaged in the most sacred work of all. “

MDA reported: Yesterday (Thursday) at 20:36, many calls began to be received on the 101 emergency line of Magen David Adom about those injured in the attack on Ibn Gvirol Street and in the nearby park in Elad. MDA emergency. MDA medics and paramedics determined the death of a 40-year-old man on Ibn Gvirol Street near the square and the deaths of two men in their 40s in nearby Elad Park, and provided life-saving medical care and evacuated 4 injured to Sheba, Beilinson and Hasharon hospitals, including: 75 in serious condition and a 38-year-old man in serious condition (Beilinson Hospital), a 20-year-old man in serious condition (Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer) and a 23-year-old man in mild condition (Hasharon Hospital).

MDA paramedic Alon Rizkan said: “It was a very serious attack. We quickly arrived at the scene and noticed that it was a complex arena. Near a square on Ibn Gvirol Street in Elad, a 40-year-old man was lying next to a car with serious injuries, we performed medical tests but he was without signs of life and we had to determine his death.” “More wounded in the nearby park. We went down the stairs to the park, and noticed 2 men in their 40s who were lying about 10 meters away from each other. They were unconscious with very severe signs of violence, we performed medical tests and unfortunately we also had to determine their deaths on the spot.” .

MDA paramedic Sapir Iluz said: “We treated a 20-year-old man who was fully conscious and suffered injuries to his upper body. We provided him with life-saving medical care in the field and evacuated him while he was being treated at Sheba Hospital when his condition was serious and he was anesthetized and respirated.”

MDA paramedic Yaakov Edri said: “We saw a 38-year-old man in a vague consciousness with severe injuries to his upper body. He constantly took care of his children and asked us what was going on with them. We provided him with life-saving medical care and evacuated him while continuing medical care to Beilinson Hospital where he was anesthetized and resuscitated. At the hospital, his wife said that the children who fled the scene came home safe and sound. “

MDA paramedic Idit Levy said: “In the park we saw a 75-year-old man lying in a vague consciousness with severe injuries to his upper body. He could not speak and responded with movements. We gave him life-saving medical treatment, put him to sleep and breathed him out and evacuated him to hospital when his condition was serious.”

MDA medic Eliyahu Levinstein said: “A 23-year-old man was fully conscious and told us that he was injured in the hand while fighting a terrorist who attacked him while sitting in his car. He suffered a hand injury, we provided him with prompt treatment in the field and evacuated him to Sharon Hospital when his condition was mild.”

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