Fire insurance and the importance of avoiding tragedies so as not to lose your house to the flames | Videos | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

by time news

How can you protect yourhome.Gabriela: the silenceterrifying, they stopped ringingsirens, gonefirefighters, the flamesthey ended up leaving behind ashesand the big question, what could Ihave I done to preventmy house will burn.huge fires andcalifornia have destroyed nojust a home, but neighborhoodsThey say it’s no usean owner does everythingpossible in order to protect yourhome, if the person crossingthe street has done nothing.gabriela: the commissioner ofinsurers presented a newinitiative to mitigatefires.residents also haveresponsibilities.the specialist ja loy veztells how to is the lowest, 10 is thewings has to do with these houseswill show the materialsGabriela: you have to applysimple and practical measures ofmitigation. the bougainvilleahave to remove fromproperty. also up to 5 feetof the perimeter should not befurniture or anything that canlearn in flames, is theproper distance.for the legislation, they arewatering the same retardants offires.if I do not apply the measures ofmitigation, it may be that Iraise the insurancethat’s why it was importantlaw to strike down in the senateto protect those peopleand give opportunity tocommunities of which aget it back.gabriela: seven of the 10costliest fireshistory of the united statesbeen in california.when you have losses solarge, the economic systemis destroyed.They can’t stand itso you have to measurehow many houses or in rebuilding.Gabriela: between the discussion ofrich people, in exchange forpeople who are many years oldthere and who has not been able tofix your house.>> that’s why the importance ofthat the state now put do that, we’re going to take you away…something you spend a lot, firóa document and they give them 70%of your benefits, when you havewho is giving 100%.gabriela: they want to achieve thatEveryone knows their rights andobtain resources forprotect their homes beforefires happen.oswaldo: thanks to gabriela

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