Can mortgage-linked life insurance be cancelled?

by time news

The conditions of signing the mortgage with a bank can improve if we decide on the joint agreement of life insurance. The banks explain what are the mandatory insurances for a mortgage to be approved with them, insurance that, later, you have the right to cancel. In this article we will tell you what steps must be followed so that the life insurance policyholder of the mortgage can cancel it.

First of all, the Mortgage Law of 2019 prohibits banks from the obligation to take out life insurance with the mortgage. These may offer you better conditions when contracting it and even not approve the loan if you only decide on their mortgage offer. In addition, you can also present the conditions and benefits of another insurer if it is postulated as a better option to complement your mortgage.

Bearing this in mind, if you still want to cancel your mortgage-linked life insurance, you must follow these steps:

  • The first stage involves the written notification to your bank of the desire to cancel the insurance and, therefore, not to carry out the annual renewal of the contract. This letter will contain your data, the policy data, the date the document was sent and your decision to cancel the insurance. From this moment, the bank must accept the cancellation so that it can be carried out.
  • The cancellation of the contract in this way may be carried out during the 30 calendar days following the signing of the mortgage contract and the life insurance without the verification of any explanation by the mortgagee. In the case in which the first 30 days of the contract have already passed, the cancellation must wait for the contracted time (generally it is usually one year). One month before the automatic renewal, you must give notice of the cancellation of the contract in the manner previously explained.
  • The bank will try not to cancel your life insurance or, failing that, to take out similar insurance. If you finally decide to cancel it and be linked to the bank only through the mortgage, the bank may penalize you through an increase in the interest rate of your mortgage contract if you have previously stipulated it.

The action that is usually more profitable is to change the bank’s life insurance to an insurer or external companies that guarantee that this contract is cheaper. In this case, insurers such as Seguro de Vida Hipoteca make it easier for their clients to change their mortgage life insurance to an external company that can offer them a contract according to lower economic expenses.

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