Maurice de Hond: ‘With good ventilation no corona outbreak’

by time news

He has been saying for some time that good ventilation and air filtering are crucial in preventing the spread of the coronavirus and that government policy should focus on this.

He will be invited to the House of Representatives next week to discuss the government’s long-term strategy, he says in the new episode of Op Z’n Kop! With Rick van Velthuysen and Marianne Zwagerman. This solution is quite obvious and is apparent from all kinds of studies, for example into measles in the 1980s. But also for the coronavirus, never published research on monkeys showed that the group who inhaled the virus became much sicker than the group who received large drops in the nose.

Zwagerman wonders how it is possible that ventilation does not receive the attention it should, while De Hond shows that people do not understand it at all. Rick van Velthuysen adds: “You are a social demographer who pays attention, who follows all kinds of studies outside the field. That is what the administrators have failed to do. Isn’t it strange that we are going to shit with this country, so to speak because nobody is interested in taking the whole spectrum with them anymore, what you do and if you tell it like that makes perfect sense?”

Maurice de Hond: “Yes, but the problem is that the government is hiding behind the scientists of the RIVM and OMT. If they say something, we will do it and the media did not respond critically at all, they gave them plenty of space. ” According to De Hond, these scientists have their own specialisms, but they have less knowledge about exactly how a virus spreads. “While it is becoming increasingly clear that if there is little virus in the air, then there is no corona outbreak, not even an outbreak of the flu.”

Listen to a new episode of Op Z’n Kop below!

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