Exhibitions, in the ‘Galleria’ of Bper Banca ‘Modena between’ 8 and ‘900. The Belle Époque of the economy ‘

by time news

The Gallery. Collection and Historical Archive ”of BPER Banca presents, from 6 May to 26 June 2022, at the exhibition spaces in via Scudari 9 in Modena, “Modena between ‘8 and’ 900. The Belle Époque of the economy”, Curated by Chiara Pulini, the first exhibition featuring documents from the Bper Banca Historical Archive. The exhibition is dedicated to the golden age of the economy, defined Belle Époque, for the general climate of well-being and for the important changes that affected society between the 19th and 20th centuries.

The exhibition itinerary is articulated starting from the theme proposed this year by the Archivissima Festival, Change – Historical memory as a tool to decode the present, to which Bper Banca adheres. For the occasion, a selection of documents is exhibited coming partly from the archives owned by the Bank, and partly from the archives of three economic activities in the Modena area which, also thanks to the support of the then Banca Popolare di Modena, can initiate major transformations in their productions. Salumificio Maletti, Carrozzeria Orlandi and Società Anonima “Il truciolo” are the three case studies chosen to explore the theme of change from a new perspective.

The Bper Banca Historical Archivefull of testimonies on the social, economic and financial development of our territory – declares the curator Chiara Pulini it offers itself as a repository of memory and as a means to interpret a changing world. The Bank’s link with the territory is the red thread that has allowed us to re-establish a relationship that has never been interrupted over time. The documents on display in the exhibition interact with those of the three selected companies and tell us a ‘new’ story, perhaps unexpected, which will be added as a piece in the historical reconstruction of the Belle Époque era ”.

“The enhancement of archival documentation and the corporate collection – he affirms Sabrina Bianchi, head of cultural heritage of Bper Banca – is one of the main objectives that ‘La Galleria. Collection and Historical Archive ‘is proposed. This exhibitionthe first of its kind almost five years after the opening of the exhibition space, confirms Bper Banca’s commitment to a widespread culture to build a sustainable and inclusive future“.

The exhibition, with free admission, is open to the public until June 26, 2022, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10.00-13.00 and 14.00-18.00; with two extraordinary openings on May 14, 2022, on the occasion of the Night of the Museums, and on June 10, 2022, of the Night of the Archives, until 11 pm. For information: T. +39 059 2021598, [email protected], www. lagalleriabper.it, www.instagram.com/lagalleriabper/. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog available on site with in-depth texts by Chiara Pulini, Angelica Barberini and Margherita Beggi and a rich iconographic apparatus.

Since 2017, Bper Banca has been managing its cultural heritage in a more mature and conscious way, thanks to La Galleria which enhances, protects and preserves its corporate collection and an important business archive. With the role of “witness”, the Archive becomes a fundamental piece with the specific intent of protecting and conserving the extraordinary artistic and documentary heritage owned by the Institute. Born with the Banca Popolare di Modena in 1867 and declared “of particularly important historical interest” by the Archival Superintendence for Emilia Romagna in 2015, it documents the history, not only of the bank, but above all of the territories of which it was and is an expression, witnessing the social and cultural path of the country. Over 500 linear meters of documentation collect the memory of the Institute, since its foundation, and testify to the path followed by the banking group and by the banks which, over time, have been incorporated. Memory is fundamental for the birth of a new “corporate cultural responsibility” that combines public and private interest. The study and cataloging activity has allowed the publication of the following volumes: “Le Signorine della Banca Popolare di Modena” (2018), “I Primi Soci” (2019), “You are born close. From advertising to social media ”(2020),“ Today for tomorrow. A brief history of savings “(2021).

Archivissima was born in 2018 in Turin and is the first and only festival dedicated to archives. The aim of the festival is to bring new audiences closer to the world of archives, invited to deal with a different theme at each edition. The beating heart of Archivissima remains The Night of the Archives, which from the 2020 edition has taken on a national dimension involving a total of about 400 public and private entities from all regions of the country.

The realization of the festival is entrusted to the cultural association Archivissima, with the support of Promemoria, the partnership and patronage of the Ministry of Culture, the Directorate General for Archives and Anai.

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