last days for the escape, dead in the crowd of the airport

by time news – It gets worse by the hour security situation in the Afghan capital Kabul: Less than a week after the Taliban took power, the crowd continues to flock to the airport to try to leave the country, but all international observers estimate that the chances of escaping are less and less, and that within a few days there will be no more flights. The most dramatic summary is in the opening title of the Daily Mail, which cites sources close to the British government: Last flights “on Tuesday”, Or on Tuesday there will be the last flights to allow compatriots and their collaborators to return to GB.
Sources in Afghanistan report a degenerated security situation, while fewer and fewer international journalists remain and the presence of diplomats is also shrinking. Numerous witnesses are sure there have been several deaths in the crowd, at least 3 according to the Sky News reporter.
Among the thousands of Afghans who challenge the mob, shootings and whips of the Taliban to escape, there are the collaborators of the Pangea Onlus Foundation, a Milanese organization that has been dealing with women’s emancipation in Afghanistan for 18 years, through microcredit, as she told Silvia Redigolo.

The US embassy to the Americans, “avoid going to the airport”

Given the particularly dangerous situation, the US embassy advised Americans to avoid going to the airport, “Unless you receive individual instructions from a government representative” while Switzerland has decided to postpone the take-off of a charter plane precisely because of the chaos. The United States has announced that there are “threats”, also by ISIS, of attacks on Kabul airport, where American soldiers are engaged in evacuation operations. The fear, some US media explain, is that the Afghan branch of ISIS take advantage of the confusion around the airport to attack American citizens.

Nato estimates speak of 12 thousand people who have already left

The Pentagon has not ruled out that American soldiers may leave the airport to look for people to be evacuated. According to NATO estimates, there are about 12,000 people, between foreigners and Afghan collaborators, who have already departed from the entry of the Taliban into the capital. Through their spokespersons, the Taliban show willingness to help in the evacuation, but the propaganda of the Koranic students on social media attacks the United States for the absence of an effective departure plan. However, the Pentagon has confirmed that there are regular contacts especially with those who manage the checkpoints in Kabul, with the aim of “getting as many people out”.
Meanwhile, in the north, local resistance militias have resumed, according to Afghan press sources, three districts of Baghlan province and Ahmed Massoud has denied any intention of surrender.
The co-founder and number two of the Taliban, Abdul Ghani Baradar, has arrived in Kabul. The mullah, who headed the Taliban political office from Qatar, will meet “jihadist and political leaders for the creation of an inclusive government,” a spokesman for the movement said. Khalil Haqqani, one of the most wanted terrorists by the US, was also seen in Kabul: according to images released on pro-Taliban social media, he met Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the “warlords”, considered particularly cruel for bombing the capital during the civil war of the 90s and for this reason nicknamed “the butcher of Kabul”.
The video circulates on the social networks in which a group of fighters, dressed in the uniforms they took over with the surrender of the Afghan army, plant a white banner with Quranic verses, mimicking the famous photo of marines planting a US flag on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima during World War II, and causing great outrage not only in the United States.


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