Rabbi Eitan Shenrav came to comfort the family of his murdered neighbor: “Returns us to the attack in which we lost Rene”

by time news

Rabbi Eitan Shenrav arrived this morning (Friday) to comfort the family of the murdered Oren Ben-Yiftach the 14th, in the deadly attack yesterday (Thursday) in Elad.

The rabbi who lost his daughter Reneh the 14th, in the deadly attack two and a half years ago, was a neighbor of Oren ben Yiftach the 14th and knew the family well.

Rabbi Eitan Shenrav: “We got up this morning for a very serious attack. Our friends here from the city. Again, a terrorist attack, Jews are being murdered again for being Jews. Enough to eradicate all this evil.

Not only are we not doing enough, we are being invited by the prosecution to agree to plea bargains to release the killers themselves. Say there is complexity… Everyone knows they murdered, say that is not the question. I said to them: Are you crazy? Do you want more attacks ?! If we do not act with a strong hand we have no chance.

The people of Israel are strong and they want a strong government, they want a strong prosecutor’s office, they want a strong GSS. They must not give up in this way. Neither the terrorists nor their families. Israel continues to lose pure blood and we say enough.

We know the family very well. Our good friends. On the morning I arrived I cried with them. little children. He has six children, the eldest ten-year-old and the youngest 11-month-old. We’ve been sitting with the little ones for a long time now talking to them – what can we tell them? That the terrorists will be caught, as the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister have now said, “We will catch the terrorists and bring them to justice”? Not true! They do not bring them for their punishment. They release them. Stop releasing. To know all their families. “

Rabbi Shenrav recounted Oren Ben-Yiftach 14: “He would attend Torah lessons. His most special feature is grace. A family that just wants to do good. “

The IDF spokesman denied any intention to carry out a plea deal with the terrorists who murdered Rene Haid, but admitted that meetings had been held with the family without specifying what their purpose was.

The IDF spokesman said: “At the end of the investigation into the attack in which the late Rina Shenrav was killed in the” Dani “spring (Ein Bobin), serious indictments were filed against members of the cell that carried out the attack, as well as dozens of other terrorist operatives. The actions of the security forces led to the thwarting of the deadly terrorist infrastructure of the Haza.

No plea bargains were made with the members of the cell that carried out the attack. On May 1, 2022, the Chief Military Prosecutor met with family members, and it was agreed that another meeting would be held in the near future. “The IDF shares the family’s grief over her loss and strengthens its hands.”

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