What to remember from the speech of the re-elected president

by time news

Re-elected President of the Republic on April 24, Emmanuel Macron had until the end of his first term, May 13 at midnight, to proceed with his investiture ceremony. Faced with a much larger assembly than five years ago, made up of around 450 guests, the Head of State gave a short speech of around ten minutes before reviewing the military troops.

Several elements of his speech are now well-known elements of language, already used during his first presidential campaign, throughout the five-year term and then during the last race for the Elysée. Thus, “every day of the mandate which opens I will have only one compass, to serve”, he assured. He also recalled that his victory over Marine Le Pen “forced him”, believing that the French had made “the choice of a clear project” in the face of “the sirens of ideologies whose shores we thought we had left” in the 20th century. and “easy demagoguery”.

“Acting” and bequeathing “a more livable planet”

Playing on the proximity of the words with the new of his party, LREM having become Renaissance, the head of state assured to be “a new president” for “a new mandate”, elected by “a new people”. “And at the same time”, consecrated formula of his first mandate, the French form “an old people” whose unity he recalled across the territories.

In front of François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron also launched into an anaphora on “resolute action for France and for Europe”: “Act first to avoid any escalation following Russian aggression in Ukraine, help democracy and the courage to win, to build a new European peace and a new autonomy on our continent”, but also “to act for a society of full employment”, against “inequalities by rebuilding our education and our health”, against ” the insecurities of everyday life, of the terrorism that still lurks”.

A highlight with the parents of Samuel Paty

A voluntary nod to Agir, party of the right wing of the Republican majority? Emmanuel Macron also wanted to recall his ecological commitment, making “the oath” to “bequeath a more livable planet” and “a stronger France”. Highlight of the ceremony, the president greeted the parents of Samuel Paty, the teacher beheaded in October 2020, the widow of the first doctor who died from Covid or the mayor of Trèbes, the city where three people were killed in March 2018, including Gendarmerie Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame.

At the end of the ceremony, Emmanuel Macron went out into the park to review the troops to the sound of the Marseillaise but also of the piece “Terre et mer” from Bagad de Lann-Bihoué, already played during the quinquennium to pay tribute to soldiers killed in operations in the Sahel. In the context of the war in Ukraine, the Head of State thus recalled his status as head of the armies in front of 160 soldiers, all from regiments having lost men in combat during his first five-year term. As tradition dictates for new presidents, 21 cannon shots were finally fired from the Invalides. On the other hand, the name of the future Prime Minister remains a mystery.

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