Elon Musk bought Twitter without having any plans for the social network

by time news

R. Alonso


Updated:05/05/2022 02:22h


Elon Musk agreed last week to pay 41 billion euros in exchange for full control of Twitter. and she did without any plan on how he was going to finance and manage the social network. According to ‘The New York Times’, a medium that has spoken with collaborators of the tycoon, the entire operation, in what affects the owner of Tesla y SpaceX, was born from the most absolute improvisation. Without counting on the advice of anyone beyond a very small group made up of no more than ten people who, moreover, tend to always agree with their opinion.

Musk’s interest in taking control of Twitter has been a mystery since he made the first offer last April.

The little bird’s social network is one of the most important communication tools in the world; however, it is far (very far) from platforms like Facebook, TikTok o Instagram. Both in number of users and income generated. This is demonstrated by the fact that the ‘app’ founded by Jack Dorsey in 2016 carry losses for years.

If the Internet user is not clear about what can be expected from Twitter in the future, until the platform workers themselves are currently a sea of ​​doubts. There are doubts about whether there will be changes in the company’s management and there is even fear that Musk will decide to lay off part of the staff. According to ‘The Guardian’, the businessman will not make any final decisions before he takes full control of the company. Something that, if nothing goes wrong, should happen in the coming months.

Between encryption and payments

In conversation with ABC, several experts in social networks and communication have categorically ruled out, just as Musk himself has done, that the acquisition of the social network stems from the tycoon’s interest in doing business. Although we’ll see, because, as recently shared by ‘The Wall Street Journal’, the businessman would be planning to revitalize the application before going public again in three years.

Be that as it may, at the moment the movement looks more like a whim and a search for power than anything else. Network experts are also unclear what the application will be like when it is under the control of the tycoon.

“(Musk) will leave his mark. He has not bought the social network with the aim of continuing. It will make changes and very relevant ones. I hope for a more daring platform after many years of timidly evolving”, Ferran Lalueza, professor of Communication at the Open University of Catalonia, recently explained to ABC.

The truth is that, beyond vague promises about freedom of expression and transparency, Musk has hardly made specific announcements about the changes he intends to make in the social network. In recent days, it has been dropped that Twitter should begin to encrypt direct messages between users from end to end in order to make them more secure.

He has also remarked that he has no plans to make the ‘app’ begin to be paid for by ordinary Internet users, although there may soon be changes for the accounts of companies and institutions. “Twitter will always be free for casual users, but may come at a small cost for business/government users,” Musk said in a recent tweet.

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