Mélenchon 2nd favorite personality of the French, no state of grace for Macron, according to a poll

by time news

He now has a passive. Emmanuel Macron’s confidence rating has fallen by four points in one month, without the benefit of a state of grace after his re-election, while the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon rises to second place among the favorite personalities of the French behind Edouard Philippe, indicates a survey published Thursday. With a confidence rating of 34%, the president re-elected on April 24 begins his second term “with the lowest confidence of all presidents since 1995”, i.e. four points less since April, underlines the Elabe poll carried out from April 3 to May 4 for Les Echos and Radio Classique.

Conversely, 58% of respondents do not trust him, three points more than last month. “Emmanuel Macron does not benefit from a state of grace for the start of his second term”, observes the institute less than two weeks after his re-election and five weeks from the first round of the legislative elections. By way of comparison, the head of state’s confidence rating had reached 45% in 2017 after his arrival at the Elysée.

Marine Le Pen loses two points to 33%

In this opinion poll, former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe remains largely the favorite personality of the French with 48% of favorable opinions, or four points gained in one month. The rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, third man in the presidential election, climbed to second place with a jump of seven points to 35%, ahead of the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen who lost two points to 33%, herself joined in third place by the President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde (+ 1 point).

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The survey was carried out from May 3 to 4 with a sample of 1,000 people, representative of the French population according to the quota method, with a margin of error of between 1.4 and 3.1 points.

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