Lorena Gómez, the apps of a home automation enthusiast | Digital Transformation | Technology

by time news
The head of HMY Retail Tech, Lorena Gómez (Zaragoza, 1985).Jacob Medrano

There are certain cities that print character and even a certain pride. Zaragoza, who knows if because of the north wind, is one of them, at least in the mouth of the person in charge of HMY Retail Tech, Lorena Gómez (Zaragoza, 1985). Mañica confesses, she shows off how much her land contributes to a multinational that has used all kinds of technologies to transform a sector such as retail. “We collaborate with Teir in Zaragoza in startup acceleration programs and our factory, where we have a thousand workers, is in Cariñena, 50 kilometers from the capital of Aragon,” she summarizes.

The land pulls a lot, but this industrial design engineer has before her a challenge as daunting as digitizing any type of commerce. Projects for fashion giants pass through his hands the same as for the most humble supermarkets. “Spaces have to be increasingly interactive”, she warns just before assuring that physical stores do not have to be distinguished only by the personal treatment of customers. “We are a 360 degree company. We cover from the consultancy part to the design, manufacturing, lighting, construction and technology of the establishment”, she adds.

smart trays

Some of the solutions with which they have equipped retail are apparently better known, such as virtual assistants; albeit with some surprising trick. It is not the typical robot with which to interact, but a physical person to ask through a screen.

If we look at how to solve the doubts of employees and customers about a product, they also have a digital tool. “We have a tray where you can deposit the products you want to compare and it instantly tells you the differences between them. For electronic devices, which are renewed every so often, it is very useful”, he explains.

The last obsession that has him absorbed, later we will tell some more, is the prediction. In his opinion, trade here is at stake for a large part of its future. Anticipating peaks in demand, with date and time, or possible lack of stock are not very digitized processes. “In food, for example, it is still manual. Employees have to physically see it. We are working on getting it to be in real time with the help of artificial vision”, he ditches.

Away from work, he cannot deny that technology has always been present in his life. Here comes another one of his obsessions. Her madness for home automation and robotics is closely related to her parents. “They are computer scientists. I have grown up among pots, cables, robots… My father builds you a 3D printer that sensorizes anything for you to manage from an app that he programs himself”.

For crazy about home automation and the Thermomix

1. OPENVPN.- Within the variety of existing VPNs, Lorena Gómez bets on this app. When moving between Paris, Zaragoza and Madrid, maintaining security is important. “I have it to connect to public Wi-Fi and always keep my data encrypted,” she explains.

2.VNC VIEWER.- His labor mobility prevents him from having a permanent office and the mobile is a great ally against this nomadism. “Since you can’t get the power of a computer from your phone, it’s great for me to connect to any computer at any time.”

3. TYDOM.- “Home automation drives me crazy.” Little more to add for a woman who has her entire house automated — “with the help of my father, of course” —. The same controls from the mobile the lighting that the alarm and the blinds.

4. GYMPASS.- His private passport to exercise in gyms throughout Spain and for little money, he says. “It’s good for me because I can go to different centers. Above all, I get into the classes of spinningwhich are the ones I like the most”.

5. COOKIDOO.- “I like to cook, but with technology,” he says. The Thermomix is ​​her favorite chef at home. With this app, the ingredients you have to buy appear next to the recipes. “It’s easier to plan my meals for the week. It doesn’t take me long at the supermarket.”

6. WAZE.- When moving through unknown cities, pull smartphone so as not to get lost and not encounter unwanted scares. “In Madrid, for example, I don’t know where the radars are or the alternative routes. I love that it gets me out of a jam,” she points out.

7. SLACK.- In order not to get involved in his free time, he has only installed it on his work phone. “It helps me communicate with my colleagues. As we collaborate with a lot of external staff, it is a very useful tool.”

8. LINKEDIN.- Your favorite social network. He does not deny that it is the one he dedicates the most time to, although always for work reasons. “I need it at work and to contact clients and partners. Also to know what is the latest that people have published,” she clarifies.

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