What you need to know to be able to sleep well – time.news

by time news

The guide for free today with the Courier: the 50 typical questions of those suffering from insomnia with the answers and advice of the specialist

In industrialized countries today, on average, people sleep about an hour and a half less every night than they would have done a century ago. And there is a lot of scientific evidence that shows how a reduced or poor quality sleep can also have repercussions on the general state of health. For this reason, on newsstands tomorrow, together with Corriere della Sera and the Health Courierit will be possible to collect a real essential guide on sleep for free.

The questions

A specialist, who also manages a forum on the subject on time.news/salute, answers the 50 most common questions asked by those who have a difficult or problematic relationship with a night’s rest. They are therefore pages aimed above all at those suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders, which explain what are the possible remedies case by case, from the correct use of drugs, to relaxation techniques, to the rules that make up the so-called sleep hygiene, up to the suggestions to avoid that a transient insomnia can turn into chronic and to the strategies to manage in the right way the unwanted moments of nocturnal wakefulness. A significant space dedicated to specific pathologies that are heavily reflected on the whole organism, such as sleep apnea, which we are often not aware of, but which have direct repercussions, for example, on the cardiovascular system.

Social problem

Sleeping really well for, even for those who don’t have this problem, can be difficult for other reasons, as Jonathan Crary of Columbia University in New York suggested in his book. 24/7, capitalism on the assault of sleep (Einaudi, 2015). A brilliant reflection that touched on philosophical, scientific, artistic aspects of this phenomenon, outlining a real critical anthropology of the contemporary lifestyle in its characterizing aspect of the global and uninterrupted wakefulness, marked by the connection to the office email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from tweets and whatsapp at any time, and from narcissism that knows no sunsets on social networks. In today’s advanced societies everything conspires against sleep, but also against pause, silence, pause, reflection. A background noise, a saturated social plot, without solution of continuity, in which even the word, the unit of measurement of communication, loses value without the strength that only silence and a little rest, at least at night, could give it. To enjoy more sleep and its many values, perhaps we could start by turning off the smartphone and at least partially exclude ourselves from social networks: from a certain time onwards only emergency calls. Do we now think that it is really impossible? It would certainly be worth a try, because good sleep is certainly essential for both physical and mental well-being.

May 3, 2022 (change May 5, 2022 | 09:29)

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