Israel’s Paralympic swimming team opened trading on the stock exchange this morning.

by time news

In the photo: The Paralympic swimming team on the stock exchange – Photo: Yurai Lieberman

Israel’s Paralympic swimming team opened trading on the stock exchange this morning.

This morning, members of the Israeli Paralympic swimming team opened trading on the stock exchange on the occasion of winning gold, silver and bronze medals at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and ahead of their departure for the World Championships.

The team won 8 medals that included 6 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals. The opening of the trade this morning was attended by the winners of the medals, Mark Mellier and Ami Dadown and the swimmers team, the swimming team coach, Jacob Bininson and the chairman of the Paralympic Committee, Eli Birnbaum.

In the photo: The Paralympic swimming team on the stock exchange – Photo: Yurai Lieberman

The chairman of the Paralympic Committee, Eli Birnbaum, said: “We thank the management of the Stock Exchange for the opportunity to open the trading day, which exposes our Paralympic sports and champions to the general public and promotes the Paralympic spirit characterized by determination, excellence and overcoming body limitations, and remember to be athletes “The capital market and securities are also of interest to them.”

Itai Ben Zeev, CEO of the TASE said: “We are proud and excited to host the Israeli Paralympic Swimmers team. The competition at these levels requires much more than professionalism and character. This is a mental ability at the highest level and a tremendous commitment of the team. Out of nine Israeli medals in Tokyo 2020, eight were brought by the Paralympic swimmers, “To succeed and bring us a lot of honor and more medals in the future as well. I wish the team on this occasion great success ahead of the world championships that will be held soon.”

In the photo: The Paralympic swimming team on the stock exchange – Photo: Yurai Lieberman

The chairman of the Israel Sports Association for the Disabled, Ehud Ratzabi, Dr. Orit Stein Reisner, director of Reut Tel Aviv, who is adopting the Paralympic swimming team, Prof. Rafi Heruti, also came to honor the event. Head of the Rehabilitation Division at Reut Hospital And representatives of Galil Yam Elementary School from Herzliya who study Paralympic sports throughout the year and with them the school’s principal Iris Oren.

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