Robot dog, autonomous delivery, 3D building printing… vote for your favorite innovation

by time news

What inventions will change your daily life? This is the question that Le Parisien invites you to answer as part of the “Tech Elections”, ahead of the Viva Technology show to be held from June 15 to 18, 2022 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.

It’s about choosing one innovation out of five that you think could change our lives. These answer a single question: how can man and machine work together? By voting, participants will be able to win tickets for the show to discover them with their own eyes.

Ascento’s delivery robot

It is a small robot that stands on two wheels that can roll over all terrains and even climb stairs. The Swiss start-up Ascento has created this urban parcel delivery robot. Agile, it can run at a speed of 12 km/h.

Print buildings in 3D with Batiprint3D

A house in a few hours thanks to 3D printing? The French company Batiprint3D has created a printer allowing, thanks to a unique foam, the construction of buildings. The innovation makes it possible in particular to create rounded shapes, a real novelty! The project is nothing short of a mirage: a first place was built in this way in April 2017 in Nantes.

The robot barista from Knext

We knew the robot that makes its own pizza – several restaurants of this type are also open in Île-de-France, here is the one that makes the coffee. The Knext barista robot grabs a cup, places it with its arm under a coffee maker and then places it on a mat available to the waiter or customer once the drink has been poured. He is able to make large coffees, small ones, with milk, or without…

Unitree’s robot dog

Is this the pet we will all have in the next few years? Chinese Unitree’s robot dog has been seen patrolling the streets of confined Shanghai in recent weeks with a tape recorder on its back distilling health instructions. With the general public, he wants to be a pet like any other.

Motion sensors for machines

It may be the least mainstream innovation in our selection, but it too hopes to change our lives. The French company Exwayz offers 3D sensors that map space in real time. They can detect the ground, pedestrians, cars, and everything around us. We can imagine implementing it on robots, autonomous cars or any other invention that will be released in the coming years.

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