Free Italy and Europe from the smoke that causes 700 thousand deaths a year (90 thousand of which in our country) –

by time news
from Health editorial staff

Umberto Veronesi Foundation and European Cancer Organization (Eco) promote an international meeting dedicated to opportunities to reduce the human, health and economic impact of tobacco

Smoking among the scientifically certain causes of 25 different diseases, including many types of cancer (nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, colon, pancreas, kidney, ureter, ovary, cervix, myeloid leukemia) . In particular, tobacco is due to i70% of bladder cancer cases and that of the lung would be a rare disease if one did not smoke, since about 85% of those affected by this disease have been a smoker. And the numbers leave no way out: cigarettes are due 700,000 victims a year in Europe, over 90,000 in Italy, where approximately 26 billion euros are estimated between direct and indirect costs. What can be done to reduce consumption?

Some of the leading Italian and international experts will try to give an answer during a meeting to be held Friday 20 May 2022 at 10 am at the Aula N04 of the Velodrome of the Bocconi University of Milan (piazza Sraffa, 13) also accessible in streaming at: The event TOBACCO, HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY. Strategies for a smoke-free Europe organized by Umberto Veronesi Foundation in collaboration with the European Cancer Organization (ECO), with the scientific contribution of Bocconi University CERGAS (Research Center on Health and Social Care Management) and the patronage of the Municipality of Milan. It is a discussion with experts and protagonists of the scientific world and institutions on the topics of prevention, on smoking and related diseases, on the most effective and sustainable health policies to contain the damage caused by tobacco (in all its forms). In particular, a discussion on the remodeling of the tobacco taxation as an effective strategy to reduce consumption, discourage smoking initiation and strengthen the resources necessary to face what is in effect a neglected emergency.

Excellent incentive money: if the price goes up, smokers go down

It has been shown, by various researches and by the experience of other countries, that the increase in the cost of tobacco is an effective measure to reduce the number of smokers: for this reason, on 21 May 2021, the Scientific Committee for the fight against smoking of the Foundation Veronesi presented a petition to Parliament, calling for a rise in the price of all tobacco-based products through the rescheduling of excise duties. A substantial increase, without shyness and as timely as possible. By reshaping excise duties, an increase in public resources could be achieved to subsidize education and information, help those who want to quit more effectively, with dedicated clinics, drugs, trained personnel and implement active surveillance of former heavy smokers, the people most at risk of getting sick. gravely stresses Giulia Veronesi, Director of the Strategic Program of Robotic Surgery of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and member of the Scientific Committee for the fight against smoking Umberto Veronesi Foundation. A survey wanted by the Foundation also came to the same conclusion: money is an excellent incentive and if prices go up, smokers (especially younger ones) go down.

A common European front Mike Morissey, Chief Executive Officer of ECO, explains the reasons for a common commitment in Europe: Tobacco is the cause of 20% of all cancers in Europe and half of all preventable cancers, therefore we cannot afford to diminish our strong commitment to the fight against smoking. For the health of our citizens, for our health services and for our common battle against cancer, we must highlight the real harm and suffering caused by tobacco. Over the past 20 years, several countries have decided to raise the price of smoking products and the best results have been seen precisely where the measures have been courageous. In Ireland, for example, a package costs 13 euros, in Australia at least 18, in the United Kingdom more than 10 euros, as well as in France. The price alone is not enough, but concrete results can be achieved together with real support for smoking cessation and targeted campaigns. An important increase in excise duties on tobacco is certainly an effective measure to discourage smoking, especially among young people – he concludes John the Factor, Full Professor of Health Policy at SDA Bocconi School of Management and Bocconi University and member of the Scientific Committee for the fight against smoking of the Foundation -. a strategy that would make an immediate and lasting contribution to health protection and at the same time allow for the collection of resources to be allocated to research and prevention interventions.

May 19, 2022 (change May 19, 2022 | 18:21)

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